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Lila POV

I had just gotten out of the lecture hall, and it was a very very long day today. Not to mention, my friends wanted me to join them at a party tonight. I did want to go don't get me wrong but he was going to be there.

I never enjoyed his company much. He was always all up in my business, even tho he "hated me". He would always eat up all my food, trash the dorm, bring girls over, you get the point. He was annoying, like a fly you can't get out of the house.

Anyway, he was going to be there. My best friend who is the person that wants me to go the most would be so pissed at me if I didn't show up for her. So either way I had to go because I did not want to pick a fight with her.

Even though I love her with all my heart I always felt as if I had to take care of her messes. When her dorm was trashed and the admin were coming to check it I cleaned it so she wouldn't get kicked out of school.

I started getting ready for this stupid party. I just put on an easy outfit, you know. Like some jean shorts and a white tank top. I was hoping to get laid tonight, that way I have an excuse to leave the party early.


"Come on, take some shots Lila" Anna said trying to convince me to drink. "Anna I have to take care of you, we both know how you get when you're drunk." I whispered it to her because I didn't want to embarrass her.

"Yeah Lila, take some shots don't be lame" Bill shouted from across the room. "Bill shut the fuck up we aren't talking to you" I screamed back at him, he really knows how to piss me off.

"What was that?" Bill said as he approached me.

Anna was hitting my shoulder in excitement as he got closer. She had always imagined us to be a good couple, but me personally I wouldn't go that low.

I saw Bill's figure getting closer and closer. Bill was 6'4 and I was just merely 5'3. His much taller body towered over mine.

"I said you should shut the fuck up, do I need to repeat it?" I remarked snickering.

Bill leaned down to my level, against my ear "If you wanna keep using that filthy mouth of yours you might as well put it to use" he whispered.

I felt sudden goosebumps surround my body. Bill ran his two fingers against my arms amused.

"I love the effect I have on you Lila".

He stood up straight. I heard an emerge of screams coming from near the door. I peeked my head from behind Bill.

I saw Bill scoff and roll his eyes at the guy who had shared the same face. Much similar to his.

I had always found him quite attractive. Maybe that's why I found Bill pretty attractive as well. Although I would never admit that to anyone though, not even myself.

A bunch of girls were surrounding him, but his gaze was stuck on mine. His eyes pierced holes through my soul. He could be very intimidating at times, but never as intimidating as Bill.

I always got nervous when Bill got close, I could always feel his presence. It was something that lingered. You could always spot Bill from a mile away, his cologne wasn't strong but I could smell it when he got close.

Bill glide his finger against my lower jaw turning my head towards him yet again. "Focus on me Lila." He said starring down at me.

"What you don't like that?" I replied flirtatiously.

"You think I like the fact that you're checking out my twin brother?" Bill growled sucking in on his teeth angrily.

"Did I hit a nerve Bill?" I tilted my head smiling a bit. I knew this would set him off, but that's something I enjoyed.

"Don't catch an attitude with me." Bill chuckled.

"Or what are you going to do about it?" I murmured, loud enough for only him to hear. "Let's find out" Bill mumbled against my neck, his lips slightly grazing it.

His touch, was so addicting but yet so cold, so distant. I suddenly gasped at the contact. My chest rising slightly.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I heard Bill sigh, as I turned my head only to be met up with Tom staring down at me.

"You always know how to ruin a good moment Tom." Bill madly stated. "Anywho...you guys down for truth or dare" he asked both of us, but his gaze never once met Bill's.

I nervously nodded tugging Bill's hand. They both made me nervous, but Bill more so.


Anna swishes her drink in her cup, "truth or dare Lila?" she raised an eyebrow. "Truth" I replied simply. "Boring as usual" Bill scoffed. "Do you have a problem, cause we can fix it." I laughed. "Not at all" Bill shook his head.

"Anyways...if you had to pick the finest person from the circle to sleep with, who would it be?" Anna questioned.

"Hm.." I look to Bill smiling at him as he smiled back. I then return my gaze to everyone else. "Probably Tom" I shrugged.

I looked to both twins, Tom's face being amused, yet Bill's was flabbergasted.

"So would you kiss him?" Anna asked. "Sure" I curved my lips, shrugging again. "My turn" Tom said. "Truth or dare Lila?" he followed up. "What's up with everyone asking me questions?" I laughed. "just answer" he responded.

"Fine, truth." I chugged down some of my drink preparing for what would come out of his mouth.

"Would you come home with me Lila?"

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