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Lila POV

I twist the doorknob, but it wasn't locked. I slowly opened Bill's door entering in. I could see his glowing phone screen from underneath the sheets but nothing more.

His hand was placed lower down his body moving up and down.

Oh shit, my head finally understood what was going on. I slowly took three steps back and closing the door quietly.

I sprinted as fast as I could to my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I walked over to my bed and slipped my slippers off getting under the covers.


Bill POV

I woke up, and all the thoughts just flooded my head from what I did last night. I had a huge migraine so I decided to get up and get a glass of orange juice and some waffles.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Lila sitting on one of the bar stools. She was eating cereal, but I thought she didn't like it.

Her gaze immediately looked at me kind of wide eyed, and she looked away when I made eye contact.

"Morning Lila" I said with a small smile.

"Morning Bill." she said bitterly.

She got up and put her bowl in the sink and gave me a look. "Why are you here, go to your room. Get away" she said to me. "I just want some fucking orange juice and waffles." I replied kind of pissed that she was acting off.

I started walking closer to her, and I grabbed her hand pulling her in. "What is up with you?" I growled.

"Nothing, get off of me" she snarled pulling herself back. She looked me up and down and walked to her room, she was walking so fast her slippers were sliding against the floor.

I have no idea what was up with her, but I did know that I was almost late and I really needed to start getting ready.


As I walk into my lecture hall I looked around and saw Tom. He gave me a dirty look and just scoffed sitting down. I went and sat down next to him, I really wanted to piss him off.

"What do you want?" he growled. "Hey it's not my fault she said my name, that sounds like a you problem" I said pettily. "Fuck off Bill, you knew that I wanted sex yesterday night" Tom put his finger tips on his temple groaning.

"If you wanted that then I don't think you should have gone for Lila because I don't know if she's ever done anything like that before." I said. "Plus I would want Lila to have something good for her first time if it is." I followed up, trying to get a reaction out of him.

"Well she seemed pretty experienced with me last night" Tom smirked licking his lips.

"If she doesn't want to do anything with you Bill that's not my problem, but she seemed like she was enjoying me last night" Tom added.

"Remind me, who's name was she moaning?" I stated proudly, even though she hated me I wasn't going to leave her alone until I got her to myself.

"Seems like I got to her first though" Tom said while playing with his lip ring. "You may have got to her first, but I believe I'll be her last" I replied.

Tom stood up clenching his fists into little balls. Right as I was about to stand up the professor walked into the class.

"Tom please take a seat, and let's get started class." Great, now I had to sit next to him wether I chose to or not. Tom sat down and moved his chair far away from me, but still at our table. This was going to be a long lecture.

Lila POV

I was explaining to Anna about my eventful night. Her jaw stayed dropped the whole story, normally I wouldn't trust anyone with this info but Anna is my bestest friend.

"So the real question is Bill or Tom" Anna said. "Neither, I don't want somebody who's just looking for sex. I want a real relationship this time." I stated.

"Good luck finding someone like that in this college." Anna snickered. "Well you can stop picturing me with Bill because its never going to happen" I said coldly. "Well you were moaning his name last night, so I'm still going to picture you guys together." Anna replied.

I knew it was causing Anna to be upset with me, but I really didn't want either of them.


I finally got my to my dorm room after my test, I couldn't stop overthinking about the Bill and Tom situation. I really hoped Bill wouldn't be in the dorm at the same time with me because that was the last thing I wanted right now.

I walked into my room and my gaze met his. "What the hell are you doing in here?" I shouted at him. Bill stood up and walked out of my room pushing past me not saying a thing. "Don't ignore me Bill, why were you doing in there? huh?" I ranted.

"Why don't you mind your own Lila?" Bill growled back while rolling his eyes. "I can't mind my own if you're in my room ass wipe" I remarked.

"What did you just call me?" he inched over to me. "You heard me" I replied confidently.

"I already told you the first time, if you keep using that filthy mouth I'll actually put it to use." he leaned in saying it across my skin. I wouldn't give into his touch this time.

A/N- Hi everyone! I am so happy you guys are reading my book so far and you all are very sweet! I am new to this and I will probably be posting slower but Rama is helping me out a lot with this!

HIS TOUCH || B.K Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon