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Lila POV

I stepped back from him. "Bill you know I hate you." I stated as he walked towards me. He would not let me get away.

He bent down to me and held eye contact. "if you hate me so much then why did you moan my name to Tom?" Bill replied.

My eyes widened. I was so pissed Tom told him, because now he would hold it against me.

"It was one time Bill, and I didn't even mean it. Get over yourself." I said pettily. "You can say whatever you want Lila, but we both know you meant it." He muttered the last part, loud enough for me to hear him.

"And what if I didn't mean it ? What would you do then?" I laughed. "You want to know what I would do? I would make you mean it." He seemed amused.

"Why are you so nervous?" He chuckled. "If you think you make me nervous then you need to think again." I said angry.

"Yeah, whatever Lila." Bill remarked sitting up and leaving me there.

I hated him so much, but when he was mad he looked so good.

Anyway now that he finally left me alone I could take my everything shower. I love everything showers, they really help me relax.

I turned the shower on and picked out some silk pajamas, I also grabbed a body scrub and a shea butter.

I took my clothes off and unclipped my bra. I let my hair down from the messy bun I've had in all day. My hair was naturally brown, but I dyed it blonde.

I got into the shower, it was comforting. I had no stress to worry about, my grades are great, and I wasn't thinking about Bill nor Tom.

I put my purple shampoo in my hair and I had to let it sit for awhile so I decided to shave my legs while I waited.

As I was finishing my legs I put on my scrub and washed out my purple shampoo. It felt so good to have smooth legs.

I put conditioner at the ends of my hair and put my hair up in a clip so the conditioner could sit for awhile.

I started to shave my arms, and then I heard Bill singing. I was so annoyed, everything showers are supposed to be comforting.

It's hard to find peace though when your enemy is singing so loud in the room a few feet away from yours.

"Bill shut the fuck up, nobody cares if your running through the monsoon!" I screamed at him, but he ignored me and started singing louder.

I just finished up my arms and washed my body really quick and rinsed my hair out. If I had to listen to him sing that song one more time I was going to pull my hair out.

I put my shea butter on and my pajamas getting ready for bed. I braided my hair super quick and went out the kitchen. I was exhausted but I was also starving and I can't fall asleep on an empty stomach.

I was craving alfredo really bad. I grabbed a pot from the upper cabinet and turned on the stove so it could heat up while I put water in the pot.

"Are you going to make me some too?" Bill stated. "No, make your own. I'm starving and if I make both of us some it will take longer to cook." I replied to him.

I put the pot on the stove and grabbed the sauce and pasta. I chose bowtie noodles because those are my favorite.

While I was waiting for the water to boil Bill started throwing a temper tantrum because I wouldn't make him some.

Finally the water started boiling after 10ish minutes or so. I put the bowties into the water and set a timer.

"Lila please I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten all day!" Bill cried.

"Maybe you should've thought about your words and actions to me earlier and then I would have made you some." I snarled.

"Fine don't make me dinner then." He said angry and slamming his door.

I swear he's like a toddler to only me, but when he's in public he's so "mature."

I drained the noodles and mixed in the sauce. I grabbed a bowl down and put some in the bowl for myself.

There was still some left over, so if he really wanted it I guess he could have it.

I went to my room and turned on a tv show to watch while i finished my alfredo.

Now that I had finished it I took it to the kitchen and put my dish in the sink.

I went back into my room and climbed onto my bed tucking myself in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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