1 - Well, This Is Awkward...

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MePhone 4 is definitely not the brightest person, definitely not the smartest person, and is definitely flawed. Hell, OJ's secret nickname for him, something he keeps secret from Paper even, is "that lazy dumbass", as MePhone 4 is both lazy and probably a dumbass.

First of all, MePhone 4 decided to go on a short robotic getaway with MePad, who was basically his emotional support tool after II and III ended, considering he had no once else to talk to other than them, for funsies.

That is fine, but MePhone 4 managed to lose the map after grabbing at what he thought was a loose cookie on the ground, causing their map to fly away. MePhone 4 was immediately worried, but MePad had an idea thought up in his mind quickly.

Unfortunately for the two of them, due to the (TOTALLY CONVENIENT) wind blowing around them, any attempts at spawning another would cause the copy to immediately fly away, as neither MePhone 4 or MePad could catch the spawned map in time to hold on to it.

MePhone4, determined to keep this adventure going, decided to find their already set up camp site without the map, with some minor concern from MePad, who was starting to become worried about (mas-) MePhone4's safety.

Due to that incredibly stupid choice, considering that a random and thick mist of fog arrived suddenly, the two got seperated, which caused MePhone 4 to go past several caves, an abandoned house with ghosts in it.

Finally, he was able to see a camp site in the distance. On closer inspection, he realised that the camp site he had seen from a distance was definitely not his, as he decorated his camp site with some nice rust and meta, as the camp site was decorated normally.

It was during his inspection of the mysterious camp site that he was able to see something shiny in the forest, he decided to go for it before the bees, bugs, birds, and flying dragon monsters that were possibly flying around (named Gligafiklish by Apple) could grab whatever the shiny thing making him curious was.

Each step forward felt like a millisecond, probably because he teleported over to the object using his special phone abilities before he could take a step forward. Unfortunately for the curious MePhone 4, Steve Cobs appeared in place of the shiny thing from before.

"Boo", Steve Cobs said in a low and synical manner before drilling into the back of MePhone 4 before his reflexes could probably kick in, replacing his old, outdated, and less evil data with new, improved, and more evil data.

Now under Steve Cobs' control, MePhone 4 was the subject of several "tests", including him acting like a monkey, slapping himself silly, and, eventually, crushing a poor worm into the ground.

Once the tests were complete, Steve Cobs decided to expand his idea outwards, as he accidentally stumbled upon something else that had caught his eye while he was exploring the forest...

Hotel OJ was the hotel that OJ decided to run so that the contestants of II, II II, and III had somewhere to live, as it seems MePhone 4 was dumb enough to make it impossible to leave the playing field.

From it's original start in two thousand and thirteen to one day later, OJ was the sole owner of the hotel, finding the hotel manager life immediately stressful, especially when surrounded by contestants like Apple, Knife, and Nickel.

Luckily, on the second day, OJ decided to make Paper, who he started becoming bfwb (best friend with benefits) with, the co-owner of the hotel, as Paper quickly developed himself as someone to help OJ with the hotel, much to the immediate satsification of OJ.

And then on, the two co-owned the hotel as a happy, totally not secretly married gay couple, team, with some additional helpers in the form of Microphone, Soap, Test Tube (occasionally), Knife, and Pickle. 

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