3 - Wait, What The?!?

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The morning after the morning after the day of the party, everyone was finally well again, except for Knife and Pickle apparently, who tired themselves out so much they had no more energy left in them.

Everyone was getting increasingly worried about where their missing friends were, as it was definitely not like any of them to suddenly run away, especially since there is no known way to leave the island.

Test Tube and her friends were still hiding out in the laboratory, as they knew something was definitely wrong and did not want to be involved at all, as all four of them had aready been involved with so many of the island's shenanigans, more than even OJ at this point.

Soon, it became very clear something terrible had happened to their friends and it was no longer a question of "when we'll find them" but "how we'll find them". It only became clear when they found Balloon's remains shoved inside of a taxidermied Suitcase.

Test Tube predicted they also snuck out at night, possibly to find a quieter place to get wild, only to get caught by someone hiding on the island who used Suitcase to kill Balloon and then killed Suitcase.

In reality, she was half right. Instead of Suitcase being forced to kill Balloon, she was killed first and her body was used to kill Balloon, as MePhone 4 had determined only Balloon's DNA would be useful to them.

He was right, as Steve Cobs was able to quickly get together a Balloot (a mix of the words Balloon and Bot), as he called it. Suitcase would be of no use to them due to her lack of arms, so they left her corpse and the remains of Balloon they couldn't use in a random location in the forest.

It just so happened that, not even twenty minutes later, a group that consisted of OJ, Paper, Knife, Pickle, Nickel, Baseball, Trophy, and Cheesy found the two previously missing corpses in the forest.

They first found a singular medium sized blood splat on a patch of grass near one of the hotel's windows, which was identified as Silver Spoon's blood using a very convenient techinque only Pickle knew.

After that, it wasn't long before they found a singular large sized blue splat on some bushes and some patches of grass, which was identified as Blueberry's insides and located near one of the hotel's windows, something that was somehow missed before hand.

"Well shit, I guess there's a killer on the loose-", Trophy said. Nickel then tried to hide his laughter, only to sarcastically responded, "How in the actual fuck did you think of that, detective?".

This then started a verbal spat between Trophy and Nickel, which then quickly involved Baseball, who took Nickel's defense, as Trophy's statement, considering the circumstances, was stupid.

Knife and Pickle only joined the argument when it when from Trophy being stupid to being about who it was, as all three of them thought it was Taco while Knife and Pickle thought it was someone else.

OJ and Paper secretly left the conversation, leaving Cheesy as the only one to mediate it, something that was really hard as he pretty much loved all of the people who were conveniently arguing with each other.

Instead of doing anything, he decided to watch from a distance and message Fan to tease him about what he was enduring, as Fan shared very similar interests to him regarding men (aka people like Knife and Trophy).

This lead to their argument lasting incredibly long, so long that Cheesy eventually left, which made Trophy hop out of the argument, which made the others quickly end the long lasting argument.

Ignoring the disasterous end to their search, they decided to clean up any remaining messes in the hotel, including the several sticky surfaces that seemed to suddenly appear overnight, which made OJ facepalm, to Paper's naive confusion.

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