part 4

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I cried myself to sleep last night. I'm a grown man, but I cried myself to sleep over another man. It's not like I have a whole wife and kid!

I should've known he's a slut. I mean he looks like one, but he's also a slut with women. He said it was only to cover it up, but no. He is just fucking everyone in sight.

Do I tell George? Hell, should we bring in Ringo? I have to say something.

Or do something.

To get back at Paul. Break his heart.

Doing it with George so he has neither of us. Unless he's with Ringo too, I'll find a way to know if it's him too.

This is all I'm thinking all day. Another day all in the hotel room.

"Hey, John." Paul says in a flirty tone before giving me a small kiss and hugging (which feels more like grabbing) me. "George and Ringo are out at lunch. We could do something if you'd like?"

He's cute, but that's all he's got going for him.

"You probably shouldn't do that. I feel ill." I say in a tired tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry... would you like something, Johnny?"

"No, no. It's fine. Just leave me alone for awhile."

"No water?"

"Did you listen to what I said?"

Paul looks a bit upset, probably due to the lack of attention he's getting. He walks away with that feminine walk of his. "Tell me if you need anything." He says before closing the door.

I won't need anything from him. Everything he does is annoying me now. Is it just the realization, or was he always this insufferable?

I need to talk to George. I'll rid him of his main boyfriends.

I want to hurt him in some way other than that. Beating him up would probably cause worse problems like breaking us up, and getting media coverage. If I tell anyone they'll know that I'm gay too. I can't really do anything.

A while later George and Ringo come back from lunch.

"Ey, George could you speak with me?" I call out. "Aren't you feeling I'll?" Paul asks looking upset still. "I'm feeling a bit better, okay!?" I say that sounding more irritated.

Paul looks heartbroken.

"Well, okay." George walks over to the bedroom, and shuts the door.

"What is it?"

Fuck, I thought more about punching Paul's face than what to say.

"What was that last night?"

"Well I thought you would've heard... me and Paul had been together since early '57. He was just being mpre affectionate than usual last night. We never told you guys 'cause Paul was scared."


Geirge looks at me hoping my response isn't me hating them. He doesn't suspect a thing.

"George, Paul started dating me in '61."

George just stares at me for a few moments.

"That bitch!" He yells this. I don't usually see him upset like this.

"It makes sense now, I should've known he's a slut."

Knock, knock, knock!

"Yes?" I say like nothing is happening.

Please be Ringo.

"What're you two talking about?" Ringo asks concerned, walking in and closing the door.

"Ringo, are you dating Paul?"

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