Naaz's anger on kunj

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D- kunj lets go...

K- where?

D- naaz room...gajni...

K- are but u will do it na toh why i m needed. U go or better take roshni with u. She is her mom. She will handle her better r8 roshni.

D(grits his teeth)- Dr Kunj Sarna if u didnt get up now na then i swear i m not letting u even step in hospital again with this attitude of urs.

K- hey i m the boss ok.

D(rolls his eyes)- urself i dont care. Lets go now.

Kunj huffs but follows him till naaz's room. All chuckles looking them. Kunj also brings glucometer and needed things from his study.

Naaz room;

Naaz was sitting on her bed stuffing her fav teddy under her arms and from other she was sketching something in her drawing book. She was so engrossed in it that she didnt realise kunj and doodle were standing there admiring her. Kunj goes and sits beside her.

K(kisses her head)- what my buttercup is doing?

Naaz gasps and looks at him.

N- chachu u scared me....

K(chuckles)- aww is it so baby?  Chachu is sry but what r u drawing that u r so engrossed in it. Show me too.

He tries to peek in her book but she immidiately held it againt her chest.

N- nopeee....

K(whines)- but why?

N- bcz chachu it is special and i will show u only after i will complete it till then u have to wait like a good boy ok...

K(chuckles)- ok mri maa...

Doodle was taking out the things standing near door and naaz's didnt noticed him yet which was a good thing for them. He was smiling listening their talks.

N(trying to raise her eyebrows same like kunj)- wse why r u here?

Kunj chuckles seeing her trying to imitate his actions but badly failing in it. He takes her in his lap and hit her one eyebrow slowly with his finger tip making her pout. 

K- bcz i was missing my buttercup...cant i come in ur room?

N- no no u can but chachu why all were tensed outside and mumma was also she ok now? Lets go and meet her.

 She tries to get up from his lap but he stops her.

K(pecks her nose)- han ji mri jaan ur mumma is fine now. She was crying bcz u r not feeling well from somedays na but we all made her understood that u r our (pulls her nose slowly) cute naughty little bunny who just love to create troubles for herself so u gonna be fine soon.

N(pouts)- i dont create troubles ok.

K- han han u dont but troubles themselves loves to be created by u. (naaz huffs while he laughs)

He made her sit on his lap such that her back was facing towards doodle so she couldnt see him. Kunj signals him to do it without her knowing. Doodle takes wipe and a small puncture type stick then comes towards them. Kunj makes naaz busy in talks and without her knowing holds her forefinger and forwards it towards doodle.

K- achha naaz u knw when i was coming back na i saw a very cute puppy. It was injured.

N(horrified face)- han chachu then what u did? Did u help it? Poor puppy must be in so much pain na.

K- han mri jaan it was so chhotu and was wailing so i took him to hospital and they bandaged his injured leg. 

Doodle very slowly wipes her finger but naaz was too busy in imagination of that injured puppy that she didnt even realise it.

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