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after all the teams left there was only one left.. "oof.. well that took a while.." said Suga, "mhm. well! it looks like its our turn to leave!" said kuroo  turning around to his team and putting his hands on his hips. 

"yeah yeah go already." said tsuki rolling his eyes, "well. thats not a very nice goodbye is it?" kuroo replied and smirked, tsuki glared in return. 

"anyways.. where is kenma?"  asked Yaku, "oh yeahh where is kenma?" said lev, and all of them looked around until someone shouted "HEY GUYS!" they looked over to the direction of the noise and found hinata and kenma walking towards them.

 hinata  was waving his hand and smiling brightly, they all stared at him with love and adoration in their eyes. in their eyes all they could see was hinata walking over to them gracefully, his soft orange hair bounced up and down, and he had a soft smile. the sun was shining on him which made his honey colored eyes pop out, he looked like angel who came down from the sky and was about to take them to heaven. atleast thats what they thought. 

"hey! sorry we're late kenma forgot his jacket!" hinata said smiling. "ah its fine hinata" replied suga. "anyways its late u guys should prob go now." said suga fake smiling and looking at nekoma, "ahh well we can stay a few hours" said kuroo "haha..no. i mean no u should go!.i insist." said suga glaring at them, " well if u insist." kuroo said knowing suga will cut his balls off in his sleep if he stayed, the others  said their goodbyes and went inside the bus and only kuroo and kenma were left.

"well bye Karasuno its been fun." kuroo said "stop saying it like u wont come back for another year. u come here everyday." said tsuki looking annoyed. it wasnt his fault, every time the simps come hinata gets busy with them and tsuki cant have hinata for himself.. and it annoys the shit of out him. 

"one day without hinata shoyo is like a decade." said kuroo winking at hinata and smirking , hinata laughed and said "woww how romantic romeo~ " "i know. its one of my manyyyy charms" said kuroo grinning happily bc he made shoyo laugh.

 "get in the bus rooster." said kenma glaring at kuroo, "ah yes i should get going. but before that-" kuroo said and then stepped forward to hinata and lightly kissed his hand. " bye chibi chan~ make sure u dream about me." and then went inside the bus. butterflies were going crazy in hinata's stomach 'gosh.. these butterflies again..' hinata thought and blushed. 

everyone were glaring at kuroo, kenma turned towards hinata and said" ignore him shoyo. anyways lets play tonight?" "ofcourse! 8pm right?" hinata said, kenma smiled softly and nodded. "ok now. say ur goodbyes and get in the bus." said suga to kenma, kenma ignored him. 

"tomorrow we'll meet at the same place okay?" said kenma "mhm!" replied hinata smiling and nodding. kenma  smiled and hugged hinata tightly, hinata did the same. kenma went to the bus and stopped at the door "bye shoyo." "wow. u wont say goodbye to us? just shoyo? ok." said ennoshita and was ignored in return. 

" bye bye kenma! " hinata said waving his hand. the door closed and the bus started moving. when the bus was finally out of view hinata looked a bit sad and tsuki, suga and ennoshita looked very relieved. "oof. that was tiring " said ennoshita stretching "i agree. finally some peace and quiet" said suga and took a deep breath. 

"lets go inside already im tired." said tsuki and turned around and started walking. "yeahhh i agree." said ennoshita and then the three of them started walking but suga realised hinata was walking but was stuck in the same spot. 

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