Chapter 1 - A Productive Day * Revelation?

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Hello! Author here:

Before I start the story, I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm not the best when it comes to writing stories, so please don't bully me over it 😭 

Also, this story is re-posted from Ao3. I recommend checking it out if you have an account! (My name is KasaverseIt's easy to apply for an account in Ao3, though it might take days or weeks to get your account. 

I will be updating Ao3 first if ever I post a new chapter! Updates here in Wattpad might be delayed for a couple of hours/days after posting a new chapter in Ao3 due to the difference in formats. 

If you've spotted any mistakes, or if you have any thoughts or suggestions, please write them in the comments! I'll try my best to respond to all of them! ^^ 

Happy Reading!~


Ah, what a wonderful day in the Tenma Household. The birds are chirping, and the atmosphere outside is just right. Today will be a productive day for Tsukasa Tenma, at least that's what he hopes for.

Wearing his pajamas and his sleeping mask, Tsukasa wakes up from the sun rays hitting his face, as well as from the sound of his phone alarm. His body feels weak, he clearly wants more rest.

He gently put up his sleeping mask over his head to greet the morning sun.

Despite his blurry senses, he attempted to check the time on his phone that has been constantly alarming with his eyes barely open. It's only 8:30 AM. Wait... 8:30 AM? Isn't he already late for school?

Tsukasa's eyes suddenly opened wide open in shock, His eyes must be deceiving him.

He scratched his eyes and looked at the time again. It's now 8:31 AM.





Tsukasa screams in agony as he gets up from bed.


His voice is so loud that the entire subdivision can hear him loud and clear. Seriously, how does this man still have his voice box functioning?

"Onii-san! It's a Saturday!! Get yourself together!" Saki reminded him as she busted through his room, wearing her peach-scented beauty facemask.

"You must've had a stressful night studying yesterday that you forgot about weekends existing." Saki continued.

"O-Oh... right, he-he.." Tsukasa muttered in embarrassment. "Sorry about that, Saki. I won't freak out like that again."

"It's alright! It happens, so I'm fine with reminding you every Saturday. Hehe," Saki said jokingly yet so cheerfully. At this point, Tsukasa couldn't tell if she was mocking him or being genuine. Either way, he's happy that her sister is recovering.

"Honestly, you should fix your sleeping schedule... You sleep at different times, and sometimes you forget about eating dinner..." Saki told him worriedly.

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