Chapter Seventeen

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At 06:59 a.m, Megan walked into the command center and strode to the head of the table where the other agents were gathered. Despite her lack of sleep, she looked focused and intent. Without preamble, she said, "Let me hear the analysis on the photograph."

Jeremy Finch, a short, mildly overweight, bespectacled agent, cleared his throat. He was the resident nerd, the computer genius, and technical wizard. "We've analyzed the potential elevation and angle of view by extrapolating from the available shadows and the known time of day. Basically, the photograph was taken from one of the buildings facing Dawn's across Gramercy Park." He looked down at the tabletop uncomfortably.

"That leaves us with a lot of potential sites, Agent Finch." Megan stared at him, biting back another sarcastic remark. It wasn't his fault that she couldn't manufacture evidence.

Finch nodded almost miserably. Like every other agent in the room, he had come to value his position on this team and felt a sense of loyalty to his intense, demanding Commander. "Yes, ma'am, I know that. What it does tell us is that the shooter has a fixed location, rather than a vehicle. Therefore, there is a better chance of finding him since he may be relatively stationary."

Megan nodded. "You're right. We need to get a list of every occupant of every building on each side of the Square, not just the street directly across from this building. You'll need to check realtors, building managers, and also any corporations that lease apartments for use by employees. It's possible that this UNSUB is only here intermittently when business demands it."

"We have people assigned to begin the reconnaissance at the opening of business hours," Mac interjected.

They spent a few moments reviewing other methods of narrowing down the list of potential perpetrators who might have access to the surrounding buildings. Finally, Megan looked around the table, meeting the eyes of each of her agents.

"I'm going to have to report this to the White House. At this point, we must assume that Normani Hamilton is in imminent danger of either an assassination or abduction attempt. I'm going to recommend that she be secluded for the time being until we can carry out our investigation. It is possible that this investigation will be removed from our jurisdiction–" she held up her hand for silence as the agents shifted in their seats and murmured in protest.

"I know how you all feel, and I think that we're the best people to protect her as well as get to the bottom of this. But situations like this often become political, and it's possible we'll have nothing to say about it. If it comes to that, I expect total cooperation with whoever is running the investigation. Remember, the bottom line is Dawn's safety. There is no room for ego or personal gain where she is concerned."

Megan stared, knowing she had everyone's attention. "As soon as Miss Hamilton arrives home, inform me. I'll meet with her and let her know the situation. That's all."

Megan walked through the command center to the elevators and left the building without speaking to anyone. She crossed the square to her own apartment and shed her clothes immediately upon entering. She went to the bathroom and into the shower. She turned the cold water on full and let it blast the fatigue from her body and her mind. She was furious. Furious that someone dared to threaten Normani for no other reason than the position she represented. Megan was furious at herself for allowing her feelings for Normani to interfere with her duty. She was furious that the thought of any harm coming to Normani terrified her.

When the phone rang two hours later, informing her that Normani had returned to her penthouse apartment, she was seated in front of her large bay windows, dressed in a starched white shirt, black silk trousers, and a charcoal gray silk jacket. She had been waiting for the call, her mind uncommonly still. Megan felt sure of herself for the first time in weeks.

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