's this okay?

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Sam and Colby had just wasted their entire day running around a forest, where everything had seemed to go wrong. They hadn't done enough research on the area, and they got lost in the stupid identical trees more than once. Security had almost caught them too, and there wasn't even enough content to make a full video. Needless to say, by the time Sam and Colby were checking into their hotel, both of them were tired, irritable and a little pissed off with each other.

Standing in a freezing cold hotel lobby, Sam was miserable. He was scuffing his shoes on the ground, and fiddling around with his and Colby's luggage, moving it around just to give him something to do. He'd dragged their heavy suitcases into the hotel while Colby tried to check them into the hotel.

More than anything, he just wanted to get into a clean room, shower and then sleep, his body was basically running on empty right then. Glancing over at the reception desk to see what was taking so long, he saw Colby wildly gesticulating, and glaring at the stony looking receptionist.

Just what he needed.

More fucking issues.

Sam sighed and rubbed his temples, forcing his body to pull all their luggage behind him as he trudged towards Colby. Dropping the few bags he was holding he asked "What's going on?" he could hear the exhaustion in his voice, and Colby glanced at him, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. Sam knew that Colby was just as tired as him, and just as sick of nothing going correctly. "Apparently they double booked our rooms," Colby said, shooting a scowl at the receptionist, who just stared back with bored eyes. "Something about a wedding."

"Fuck." Sam said, roughly rubbing his face, "So what, we need to get a late booking at a different hotel?"

"Well actually, we do have one spare room for tonight, but it's a single king." the receptionist replied, typing obnoxiously on her computer. "Would you like me to book the two of you for that room?"

Looking at Colby, Sam tiredly shrugged, "Honestly man, we've done weirder stuff, and I'm tired as fuck, so as long as you're okay with it." He truly didn't care, and he doubted either of them would even be able to stay awake long enough to drive anywhere else. "Yeah, same dude, today was too long." Colby said, and after scanning Sam's face, Colby turned back to the receptionist to confirm they wanted the room.

Sam handed Colby back his share of their luggage and they plodded up the stairs, Colby directing them to their room. They didn't talk the whole walk, Sam was so fatigued, the effort of dragging bags up steps, and not falling over, was proving to be too much. His body screamed for sleep, and from the half-lidded way Colby's eyes were, he was feeling the same. However, even after they got into their room, Sam still wanted a shower, so heading into the bathroom with his bag, he pulled off his clothes and enjoyed the sensation of warm water washing away the events and dirt of the day.

Losing track of time, he just stood there, sagging against the wall, half asleep already. He would've been in there about half an hour, so it was no surprise when he came out that Colby was asleep. Colby's entire body was still above the blankets, and his shoes were still on, the laces not even untied. Sam thought Colby might've tried to wait up for him, so they could sort out their sleeping situation, but it was more realistic that Colby had just fallen asleep.

Exhaling, Sam began untying Colby's shoelaces, pulling his shoes off, not really caring if it woke Colby up. It didn't. Not even when Sam had to half carry Colby's body so he could stuff Colby underneath the sheets. Making a half hearted attempt at a pillow barrier, Sam just shoved a pillow between their heads, if only so they could avoid each other's morning breath. After that, he quickly drifted off into a peaceful sleep, enjoying the gentle heat radiating off of Colby.

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