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Authors POV

10 yrs before

She never experienced love, happiness she had a traumatic life
Her mom dies when she's young and ever since then her father abuses her, emotionally and physically her father is a drunkards, he blames her mothers death on her(y/n) and he sells her to a perverted old man (Time skip)
She escapes the old man but when she's about to escape the old man lunges at her with a knife and trys to kill her but she pushs him off of her but he manages to scar her face she looks at her face in the broken pieces of mirror across from her when she sees her scar which looked very similar to the scar her mother had she feels rage She picks up a large piece of glass and calmly walks towards him the old man tries to run but she throws the glass shard towards him while picking up the knife and lunging at him. She stabbed him 56 times. Then got up cleaned the mess put his body in some garbage bags and put his body In the trash outside she took a long warm shower packed her stuff and left.
She has trust issues and she wears that mask because she's afraid that people will think of her as a bad person. Even tho her father,the old man abused her she can't bring herself to hate them she tries her best to make the guilt of killing a person. A human being. She decides to be a lawyer to counter that guilt but when she finds out that people who committed horrible acts are roaming free she sees how fucked up the justice system really is so she decides to take it in her hands to make sure justice is served.thats why I dropped out of school and started doing this mafia thing

End of author's POV

*Y/N's eyes were filled with tears she was trying her best not to cry*

Taehyung: it's okay to cry crying doesn't indicate weakness it means you have been strong for a long time.

Y/N: I don't waste my tears on useless people

Taehyung: that's the spirit. Where's the kitchen let me get you water.

Y/N: it's okay I will get it you need something.

Taehyung: a glass of water

Y/N: I will be back in a sec

Taehyung: so what do you do for living aside this mafia thing?

*Y/N splits water which she was drinking*

Taehyung: are you fine Ms.Yoon?

Y/N: I am definitely not fine after listening to what you just said

Taehyung: why? I just asked if you do something else.

Y/N: ahem ahem so I would like to prepare your-self for this. The chairwoman of The rough pages

Taehyung: WHAT THE FREAKING HELL- I should have know Yoon Y/N It's literally THE SAME NAME. But you looked so different NO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

Y/N: calm down taehyung it looks like your eye balls are about to pop off

Taehyung: but how?

Y/N: Mask

Taehyung: huh?

Y/N: you know those makeup mask which make you look old or young

Taehyung: what- you are too much-

Y/N: this is called trust issues be thankful you are the first one who saw my face but is still alive

Taehyung: thank you so much Ms. Yoon Y/N for sparing me

Y/N: Anytime honey now let me show your bedroom

Taehyung: what do you mean I am going to my house.

Y/N: you think so



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