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Author POV

Taehyung were packing for a vacation to relax themselves and also this is going to be their first trip together.

End of author POV

Y/N: did you check the timings?

Taehyung: yes it's around 5:30 AM

Y/N: AM!?!?!

Taehyung: yep

Y/N: who is waking up that early in the morning????!

Taehyung: you  and me

Y/N: ahahah *she says stamping her foot like a little kid*

Taehyung: don't do that I might fall in love with you once again

Y/N chuckled, "Falling in love with me again? You're smooth, Taehyung."

Taehyung grinned, "Can't help it when you're this adorable. Now, let's finish packing.

*Time skip*

As they reached the destination, Y/N marveled, "This place is breathtaking!"

Taehyung smirked, "Not as breathtaking as you."

Y/N blushed, "Smooth talker, but I like it."

During a romantic dinner, Taehyung whispered, "To more adventures together, my love."

Y/N raised her glass, "To us." They clinked glasses, sealing the promise of countless memories.

Under the starlit sky, Taehyung confessed, "I've never felt happier."

Y/N smiled, "Me neither. Here's to many more firsts."

As they shared a moonlit dance, Taehyung whispered, "I could dance with you forever."

Y/N rested her head on his shoulder, "Forever sounds perfect."

The vacation became a chapter in their love story, etched in the pages of their hearts.

*Time skip*

They were going home as taehyung was driving the car Y/N places her hand on taehyung hand which was on the gear. He removes her hand. But then again he takes her hand back and keeps his under his and changes the gear aggressively.

Y/N: what's that aggression for?

Taehyung: you are Turing me on

Y/N: "it's okay control" she says placing her hand on his thigh.

The car engine roared as Taehyung accelerated, the tension between them palpable. Y/N couldn't help but smirk, "Turning you on, huh?"

Taehyung shot her a playful yet intense look, "You have that effect on me." The road stretched ahead, mirroring the anticipation building inside the car.

As the city lights faded, leaving only the dim glow of the dashboard, Taehyung's hand found its way back to the gear. Y/N, feeling bold, interlaced her fingers with his, a subtle yet electrifying connection.

The night air whispered through the slightly open car windows, carrying with it a sense of freedom and desire. Taehyung's eyes met Y/N's, and they shared a silent understanding that words couldn't capture.

The car slowed down as they approached a deserted stretch of road. Taehyung parked under the starry sky, the quiet hum of the engine now the only sound around them. He turned to Y/N, his gaze lingering on her lips.

Y/N's heart raced as Taehyung cupped her face, his touch sending shivers down her spine. The air between them crackled with an unspoken promise. In that moment, time seemed to stand still.

Taehyung leaned in, his lips meeting hers in a slow, passionate kiss. The world outside the car disappeared as they lost themselves in each other. It was a dance of longing, a symphony of emotions that only intensified with each passing second.

When they finally broke the kiss, Y/N's breath caught, and Taehyung whispered, "You're my greatest adventure."

Y/N smiled, "And you're my favorite love story."

They sat in the quiet darkness, hands intertwined, savoring the magic of the moment. The car engine purred to life again, carrying them home, but the memory of that night lingered, marking the end of a perfect vacation and a perfect love story.

And that is how the love story of two crazy lovers comes to and end adding a new chapter in their book.

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