Chapter 3- A Saiyan Princess

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The years passed by since the Saiyan Queen passed away. In everything that she did, everyone who witnessed would say that she was a natural prodigy and destined for great things in her life. Princess Legume learned how to fly and create ki blasts when she was 6. At the age of 8, she started to learn how to remain in control and have a clear mind while in her Oozaru form. Princess Legume learned different forms of fighting styles and would master them. Like a true prodigy, she learned and picked them up very quickly and easily. She even worked with the Scientist, Bardock, to not only create an artificial moon, but also how to make it disappear when the battle was won and the Oozaru form was no longer needed. At the age of 10, Princess Legume went on her first mission to conquer a planet to be sold. The battle was intense, and the Saiyans needed their Oozaru form to secure victory over the inhabitants of the planet. One of the Saiyans produced an artificial moon and threw it into the night's sky. When this happened, the battle stopped, and everyone looked up into the night's sky. The Saiyans excitedly transformed into their Oozaru form to the horror of the inhabitants. Princess Legume was no different than the other Saiyans when she looked up at the artificial moon. She started to transform into her Oozaru form. Her fur was black with a purplish tint to it. A purplish steam began to emit from her body. Princess Legume roared loudly as a bright light came from her that blinded everyone who was nearby. When the light had faded, everyone was amazed to see Princess Legume's new Oozaru transformation that has never been seen before. She almost looked normal, but with black fur that had a purplish tint covering most of her body. Her eyes were still red with a purplish silver tint on the outside of her eyes. Princess Legume lead the Saiyans to complete victory shortly after the last inhabitant was wiped out. Then, the artificial moon faded and disappeared. Princess Legume and her fellow Saiyans transformed back to their normal forms. They celebrated their latest victory and took their space pods back to Planet Vegeta for a debriefing. Later, after cleaning up, Princess Legume and the commanders met with King Vegeta for a debrief in the throne room.

"Give me a mission report, Commander Tomat." King Vegeta demanded.

"Yes, of course, my Lord. The mission to conquer Dalaran and remove the inhabitants was a great success. The final battle was a stalemate, and we needed a full moon to ensure victory. The full moon was still days away. We wanted to secure the planet for sale for Lord Frieza before the deadline. That is when Bardock stepped up and created an artificial moon that turned the tide in our favor. Princess Legume lead the charge, and we were able to secure the planet in no time at all. We suffered minimal losses during the campaign." Commander Tomat answered.

"You said that Princess Legume lead the charge?" King Vegeta was amazed as he asked looked at Princess Legume.

"Yes, My Lord. She is the strongest Saiyan alive right now, and she is a natural leader." Commander Tomat answered.

"Did anything unusual happen during the mission?" King Vegeta asked.

"I am not sure what you mean by unusual, my Lord. Princess Legume has a transformation that had never been seen before. I am not sure how it happened. She will have to explain it to you. I can say that it did lead to our victory." Commander Tomat said.

"Good work everyone. You all are dismissed. Send the report to Lord Frieza. Like usual leave everything about the Princess and her transformation on it." King Vegeta said.

"As you wish, my Lord." Commander Tomat said as everyone bowed and left the throne room.

"Princess Legume, please stay and talk with me for a while." King Vegeta said.

Princess Legume bowed and said, "As you wish, my Lord."

"Commander Tomat said that you had a never-before-seen transformation. Can you clarify what he was talking about?" King Vegeta inquired.

Princess Legum was stoic as she replied, "Of course, Father. I will do my best. I was in the center of the battleline. I looked up at the artificial moon like everyone else did. I began to transform and focused on staying in control. I tried to remember who I am as taught in training. I could feel the Oozaru in me fighting to take control and was starting to win. All of a sudden, I heard an angelic voice signing and tell me to remember who I am. I focused on the voice and felt a rush of energy flow through me. I felt steam and a heat coming from my body. I closed my eyes from a blinding light. When I opened my eyes, I could see that I was almost back to normal form. I had black fur with a purplish tint covering most of my body. My tail was the same. From there, I realized it was up to me to lead us to victory. Once the last Dalaran was defeated, I made the artificial moon disappear. We all went back to normal."

"Do you know whom the woman was?" King Vegeta was concerned as he asked.

Princess Legume shook her head and frowned before she replied, "No, but the voice somehow seemed very familiar."

"It is meaningless to dwell on the unknown. For now, you are not allowed to go on anymore missions." King Vegeta said after a while.

Princess Legume yelled back, "That is totally unfair! You can't do that to me!"

"I am your father and your King! You will do as you are told." King Vegeta composed himself before he continued. "It is very clear that you are the strongest Saiyan alive. It is not clear if you are strong enough to liberate us from the rule of King Cold and his family. One day. I know that you will be. For now, they cannot know anything about you or a Saiyan of your strength even exists. We need allies to be willing to help us remove those vile creatures. I need you to be an ambassador for our people to persuade them to help." King Vegeta said carefully.

Legume hissed angrily before she said, "So, you want me to become some fat, lazy Saiyan that travels the Universe to grovel at weaker race's feet?! I will do no such thing that will bring disgrace to our family and race."

"Absolutely not! I want to protect you, while showing potential allies the Saiyan might. I will have our top scientists build you a ship that looks like one of Lord Frieza's ships. It will have what you need to get stronger and more powerful." King Vegeta said putting up his hands.

Legume huffed before she replied, "Okay, fine. Whatever. Just as long as the crew is loyal to me. The ship looks like one of Frieza's. I get a gravity training room that lets me increase the gravity higher than that here. I also get the latest equipment, armor, and healing pods. I also want a safe put in it and the ships schematics. Finally, I want the palace's blueprints to build embassies on our new allies' planets."

"Is that all?" King Vegeta asked.

Princess Legume replied sternly, "I want a full kitchen stocked with great food."

"Consider it all done." King said as he sighed in relief.

Princess Legume was curious as she asked, "Who will be handling this and setting everything up?"

"I will get Nappa to get everything started." King Vegeta replied.

Princess Legume groaned as she exclaimed, "Oh no. Not him!"

"What is wrong with Nappa?" King Vegeta curiously asked.

Princess Legume frowned as she responded, "He is just an overgrown man-child that is a meat head."

They both laughed for a few minutes.

"Do you know of anyone else who can be trusted with this?" King Vegeta was direct as he asked.

Princess Legume was solemn as she replied, "No, I don't. I trust your better judgement, Father."

"I think it is about time we go and get your brother, Prince Vegeta. We are going to throw a celebration for your first victory." King Vegeta said before he stood up.

Princess Legume smiled before she said, "Sure. Why not? Sounds good to me."

King Vegeta and Princess Legume walked in silence for a long time while heading to get Prince Vegeta from the trainers.

"Back there I really thought you were going to destroy me." King Vegeta said after a few minutes of walking.

Princess Legume smiled before she replied, "It did cross my mind a few times, but luckily you said the right thing, Father."

King Vegeta swallowed hard. "Y-yeah, Lucky me." King Vegeta said nervously.

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