Chapter 14: World's Martial Arts Tournament

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Time went by and soon they appeared before a judge to finalize the adoption process. The judge talked with them and decided to approve the adoption. Judge Maxwell even wished Legume the best of luck in the tournament. Before they left, Dr. Brief's lawyer explained how long it will take for the adoption to be formally finalized and the process before he headed to turn in the paperwork. A few minutes later, the limo pulled up. and everyone got in before it pulled away. The driver drove them to a diner for brunch. After they ate, the limo drove them home. When they arrived home, they decided to change and spend the day swimming. They swam until dinner time when the cooks came out and began to grill food for them. After dinner, Legume and Kakarot trained for a couple of hours as everyone watched them spar. The training officially ended when Legume knocked Kakarot out of their make-shift ring. The week passed and a social worker came by. When satisfied, the social worker was pleased before she left to turn in the paperwork. The following week they received a letter for Legume and the finalized adoption papers with Legume's and Kakarot's birth certificates. Legume opened the envelope and pulled out a sheet of paper. It was for the World's Martial Arts Tournament. The paper read that the preliminary round will begin the following week. It gave details on when and where she needed to be to participate. The letter went on to explain that the preliminary is round robin that lasts for two days. Legume was placed in Preliminary Group 2. The week passed with Legume and Kakarot training together every morning and every night. Dr. Brief and Bikini enrolled them to begin school in the fall semester. Over the weekend, they decided to go to the movies and do fun outdoor activities. The day prior to the preliminary soon arrived. In the morning, Legume and Kakarot trained as usual. In the evening, Legume spent the time stretching and meditating to make sure that she was ready for the tournament. Legume took a long bath and went to bed early to make sure that she was well rested. The next morning, she had a light, healthy breakfast before she got ready. Legume put on one of her training outfits before she headed downstairs. Dr. Brief decided to drive them there since the gym was nearby. When they arrived, Legume checked in while everyone else found seats. When Legume checked in, she was told which ring she would be started off at and what time she needed to be there. Legume still had some time to spare, so she walked over to her family to spend some time with them. When it was close to time for them to begin, Legume walked over to her ring and began to stretch. Soon, they heard a squeal sound come over the speakers that signaled everyone to take their places.

"Good morning and welcome to the group 2 of the preliminary round of the 20th World Martial Arts Tournament." A male voice said over the speakers.

"Before we officially get started, I would like to go over the rules for any new competitors and for those who may not remember them. This is a two day round robin tournament. The only way to win is by knock out, submission, or by ring out. Each match will last exactly fifteen minutes. A victory is worth three points, a draw is worth one point, and a loss is worth zero points. At the end of the two-day event, whomever has the most points will win and move on to the tournament. Everyone else, well.... better luck next time." A female voice said.

"That's right. But, before we begin, I would like to remind the competitors that they need to be where they are supposed to be on time. We will take a lunch break at around noon, and the food will be provided. Remember, to have fun and maintain good sportsmanship. Finally, the preliminaries start at the sound of the gong and best of luck to all of you." The male voice said.

A few minutes later, the sound of the gong reverberated throughout the gym signaling the beginning of the preliminaries. The competitors bowed to each other before their bouts began. After every fifteen minutes, the bouts would end. The competitors would move around and then the next bout would start. Dr. Brief, Bikini, Bulma, Kakarot, and Tights cheered Legume on as they watched her compete. Soon, the gong sounded that signal time for lunch. Legume walked over to her family before they headed to get lunch. They excitedly talked as they recounted Legume's victories by either knock out or ring out. After lunch, they headed back to the gym to continue the preliminaries. The gong sounded, and the bouts began once more. The time went by quickly and soon the gong signaled the end of the first day of the preliminaries. Legume walked over to her family before they headed outside to Dr. Brief's car. He drove them home and soon they arrived. Legume went to her room to shower before dinner. She showered and soaked the tub for some time as she recounted the events of the day. When done, Legume got out of her tub, dried off, got dressed, and headed downstairs to the dining room. Everyone had sat down as she joined them. Soon, dinner arrived before they started to eat and talk about the events of the day. After dinner, they relaxed together until it was time for bed. The next morning, after breakfast, they headed back to the gym for the preliminaries. Legume checked in while her family found seats. The preliminaries started at the sound of the gong. The bouts continued until lunchtime. After lunch, the preliminary continued for three hours. The competitors were told to standby for the results to see who moves on to the World's Martial Arts Tournament. An hour had passed when a man walked out to the center of the gym holding a microphone. All of the competitors and those watching anticipated the results.

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