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Zoya Carter never expected to see Ethan Arters again. They had been high school enemies, always clashing over their different views and personalities. Zoya was a rebel, a hacker, a fighter for justice. Ethan was a bully, a troublemaker, a power-hungry maniac. He had been obsessed with her, always trying to get her attention and make her his. She had resisted him, always standing up to him and rejecting his advances. They had parted ways after graduation, and Zoya had hoped to never cross paths with him again.

But fate had other plans. Ten years later, Zoya found herself in a dangerous situation. She had hacked into the wrong system, exposing a secret that could cost her her life. She had no idea that the system belonged to Ethan Arters, the most feared mafia leader in the country. He had risen to the top of the underworld, using his ruthless cunning and determination to build his empire. He had not forgotten about Zoya, his obsession still burning strong. When he discovered that she was the hacker who had breached his security, he was furious and intrigued. He decided to track her down and make her pay.

He found her in a rundown apartment, hiding behind a wall of monitors and wires. He kicked down the door and stormed in, his green eyes blazing with anger and desire. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the room, ignoring her protests and struggles. He threw her into his car and drove away, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

"Let me go, you bastard!" Zoya shouted, kicking and punching him.

"Shut up, you little firecracker!" Ethan snapped, holding her down.

"Where are you taking me? What do you want from me?" Zoya demanded.

"You know what I want," Ethan said, smirking. "I want you. You're mine now."

Zoya felt a surge of fear and disgust. She knew he was serious. He had always wanted her, but she had never wanted him. She hated him with every fiber of her being. She knew he would not stop until he had broken her and made her his puppet.

She also felt a flicker of curiosity and excitement. She wondered how he had changed over the years, how he had become the most powerful man in the country. She wondered what he would do to her, how he would try to win her over. She wondered if she could resist him, if she could escape him.

She knew it was a dangerous game, but she was not afraid of danger. She was Zoya Carter, the hacker, the rebel, the fighter for justice.

She was ready for anything.



Ethan was a sophomore and Zoya was a freshman. They met for the first time at the school's main office, where they both had to see the same counselor.

Zoya was there to get her schedule and Ethan had some other business to attend to. They were both in a hurry and they bumped into each other as they tried to enter the counselor's office.

Ethan snapped, "What the fuck, bro? Can't you see I'm in a rush? I need to see the counselor."

Zoya replied, "I'm in a rush too. I need to see the counselor. I was here first."

The counselor heard the commotion and came out of his office.

He looked at them with a stern expression and said, "What's going on here? You two need to calm down and wait your turn. There's no need for such rude behavior."

He then asked them their names and realized they were both his students. He decided to invite them both into his office and sort out their issues together.

Inside the office, the counselor asked Ethan and Zoya to sit down and explain why they were so angry.

Ethan said, "I'm sorry, sir, but I have a very important test tomorrow and I need to get some extra credit from you. I've been studying hard but I'm still not confident about it. I can't afford to fail this test."

Zoya said, "I'm sorry too, sir, but I just moved here from another state and I don't know anyone here. I'm feeling lost and confused. I need to get my schedule and find out where my classes are. I don't want to miss anything on my first day."

The counselor nodded and said, "I understand your situations, but you have to realize that you're not the only ones who have problems. Everyone has their own challenges and struggles. You have to be respectful and considerate of others. You can't just barge into my office and expect me to drop everything for you. You have to learn to be patient and polite."

He then looked at their files and said, "You know what? It turns out that you two have some classes in common. Maybe you can help each other out. Ethan, you can show Zoya around the school and help her with her schedule. Zoya, you can study with Ethan and help him with his test. How does that sound?"

Ethan and Zoya looked at each other with surprise and hesitation. They didn't know if they could trust each other after their bad first impression. But they also realized that they had no choice but to cooperate. They agreed to give it a try and apologized for their behavior.

The counselor smiled and said, "That's good to hear. I hope you two will become friends and learn from each other. Now go ahead and work things out. And remember, if you ever need my help again, just knock on the door and wait for me to answer."



Hey cherries,

I hope you enjoy it. This is the first chapter, where you'll meet the main characters and get a glimpse of their lives.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback, so please comment and vote if you like it.

Till then,
Stay safe and happy

Mahira & YS❤️✨

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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