Chapter 4: Farewell

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As you wake up out of shock from your sleep from the sound of your phone ringing, you take a deep breath to calm yourself as you turn your head facing where the phone was ringing as you pick up and answer it. After talking with your friend about what you have planned for today, as you end the call and sat there for a bit, you felt a fuzzy feeling, but at the same time, frustrated about your dream by how close Hackula was, as you thought about it more, you just blushed as you shook your head as you prepared for your day to meet up with your friends. As for Hackula, in his world, he just got the feeling or sense that someone was thinking about him. That he gets from his gaming as he thinks for a bit as he looks around his room and just thinks if that person has ever developed a strong feeling for him regardless of their gender , he would be flutter but wouldn't feel the same for them. He just giggled at the thought of it as he looked at his computer screen to see that the game was operating smoothly. If he could see the mortal that considers him a friend it would make him smile as he shakes his head and sighs. "Why the hell am I smiling? I can't get attached to the mortal. Besides, my time is limited for my release in the game. Ughhhh... I hope that I could return once again for next, but I have a feeling that won't happen." As he extends his hands out, summoning his hologram screen, he notices that the mortals who call him a friend are too busy today to spend time with their friends. Hackula just grins, but it makes him feel a bit jealous, but he feels happy for the mortal to spend time outside in record. You play Roblox for quite some time, but not to the point that you play 24/7, as he places one hand on his chin, with the other hand holding under his right arm as he looks at the hologram screen in front of him. He knows that he can't interfere or interact with you in the outside world. He knows too well that mortals would just panic, go on a bridge of mental breakdown, or worse. As he just gets an idea, maybe it won't be a bad idea to watch your back; after all, you can't ever be so careful when you're outside in public from the dangers of the world. This made Hackula happy, so he checked on what other devices were connected. He noticed that you had Roblox installed on your phone. He thought it was odd to check that you use it when you're alone, so he felt a bit of empathy for you as he shook his head once again to not get attached to you. As you are prepared and ready to meet up with your friends, As one of your friends picks you up from your apartment as you both make your way to a festival while your friend is trying to figure out a parking spot, you check your phone. Your friend finally finds a parking spot as you receive a call from your friends. As you answer it, they ask where you two are as they were waiting before the festival parade started. You both quickly met up with your group of friends. Hackula was just bored as hell in his own world; he can get rid of his boredom in his own mode but isn't feeling it. So as he lay in his coffin, looking at the ceiling, slowly closing his eyes as while you were having fun, it distracted you from the feeling that you felt in the morning. As a few hours passed, it was noon, and your friends and you planned on where to eat and meet up. As you discuss it with your friends, they decide to buy some stuff before leaving the festival. As you told them that you were going to the restroom to remove the sweat from your face while fixing yourself, you felt your phone vibrate from your bag. As you checked, your friend notified you of a random stranger that tried to kidnap someone in the festival. They were buying some stuff in front of the booths, so they wanted to meet up at a meeting spot, but that stranger was still lose in the festival. The police are trying to find the stranger. As you feel anxious as you hold your phone and leave the restroom as you walk, looking left and right and being alert as you pick up the pace to walk a little faster to reach the meeting spot, You couldn't help that someone was following you. You tilted your head a bit as you noticed a man following you from afar. As you began to run, the man followed behind, picking up its pace as it got closer to you. As you panic and take a different turn from the meeting spot, you end up at a dead end. From here, it wasn't part of the event, as you looked around to see if there was another way to meet up with your friends. As Hackula wakes up from his nap to hear a beeping sound as he gets from his coffin to check his computer, he forgets to disconnect from devices in the outside world. As he was about to disconnect, he realized that the alert was from you being in danger. The good thing that he was connected to the device of the outside world in the security cameras was that he saw the random guy that followed you and notified the authorities as you received a call from your friends. The man grabbed your arm tight as you dropped your phone by his tight grip as you tried to fight back as it pulled out a gun in front of you. This surprises Hackula, as he is thinking fast for a solution as he calculates the best and most determined solution to your situation. As he checked in the area that your in it had a speaker as he took over playing a song, it got the attention of people in the festival and officers. The distraction worked as you covered your ears by how loud it was. As Hackula placed his hand on his own computer screen as it went through your phone as he grabbed the man's leg, it freaked him out as he shot the phone by a sudden gunshot, making the officers head to the area that you were in. As they arrive in the area, the officers notice the man holding out the gun at you. As you were just shocked to see a hand that popped out of your phone before it got shot, the man turned around as he was ready to fire. As you backed a little to the side to hide behind a piller on the building structure as you took cover, the man began to fire. The one officer injured his leg as he fell to the ground, dropping his gun. The officers quickly took action as the man got arrested and provided aid for his injuries. It took a while as you got to regroup with your friends, and as they saw that you were okay, the officer gave your phone back. As you noticed, the phone wasn't damaged, nor was the mark of the shot on the phone screen. As you thought that was odd and strange, as your friend approached to give a comforting hug on the awful experience that you just went through, they agreed it was best to hang out in one of their friends homes for the next reunion. As your friends show you the stuff they bought and give you some of the stuff as a gift, as your friend drops you off back home and asks if you should give them a call on anything that you need or just talk. You thank them for dropping you off at home and for letting them know if you need anything. As you open the door of your home, you lock the door behind you as you walk to your room while you place the gifts next to your bed as you lay on the bed. While Hackula notices that being damaged in the real world doesn't affect him, he does feel the pain, but only for a while. He sighs of relief that you are safe and sound. But it also got him thinking that his own hand was no longer blocky but looked like a realistic humanoid hand, which gave him chills in his spine. He then crosses his arms while he closes his eyes for a bit as he thinks about the change that has occurred to him. "I wonder if there is some fan of mine or someone that could bring me into their world then again that's impossible... I would no longer be here waiting every year for my return. I know damn well that won't happen all the time. Oooh, I just had high hopes of returning. Being locked away makes me think... I'm no longer in good use... UGHHHHH! You knew that was going to happen sooner or later. Why do I feel so scared and worry about it? Is it because I fear the fact that I could get deleted forever? Wait? The developers wouldn't do that to me, right? Right???" A part of Hackula's mind just echoed on to check on the files that they have listed for the game's next update for the incoming year. Hackula just chuckled nervously as he shook his head, but then again, it is not a bad idea to just peek a bit at those files. As he accessed the files for the next game's update, he was shocked and felt betrayed in a way. The main top list was that the developers were thinking of removing him due to the countless times he had crushed the game. He just laid back on his gaming chair and covered his face. He wanted to cry, but laughed like a manic until he cooled down as he took a deep breath. "So that's it... for me then. My final days were counted without me realizing that I was the one who caused all of those glitches, bugs, and crushing. Oooooh, how much do I want to return again? This I for next year, and this year was the last." Hackula snapped from his mental breakdown to see you playing Roblox; he just wasn't in the mood to talk or to spend time with someone; he needed to find a solution or a way out on preventing being deleted. As he thinks so much about it, he knows he can't avoid his own fate. Perhaps it is best to spend time with the mortal who doesn't fear him or consider him some kind of mistake or glitch. As he checked which server you were on, as you waited in the menu screen for the next round, you saw that screen load you into another server. As you spawned in the map, it was the monastery map. Hackula appeared behind you as he waved and smiled nervously as you turned around to see him. He fixed his glasses as he waited for you to talk. As you told him about what happened today, he had a shock expression on his face as he patted your head gently. As you giggled a bit, you could see a smile on his face and a little blush on his cheek as he sighed for a while that he wanted to say something. As you nodded with your character, he had his hand on his chin as he rested his other hand on the side of the gaming chair. "You see, mortal, it was nice spending time with you and getting the chance to talk with someone besides myself... What I mean is that I will be removed again from the game." You sigh of relief and no longer felt worried as you told him that he'll return next year after all, as he stops you from finishing your sentence as he gets up from his gaming chair while he kneels down at your level to be eye to eye as he tells you as he places both his hands on your shoulder. "No mortal...not this time. I'm afraid that won't be the case next year. This was the last time that I got to be here again." You wanted to cry and thought there had to be a solution, as Hackula shook his head. "Mortal, my files can't just be transferred elsewhere and brought back just like that; you need the whole asset of me to be applied in another game or just archived on a USB. Sorry to disappoint you, mortal, but let's enjoy our time together." As you wipe your tears away to spend time with Hackula, You were not aware that, thanks to him, he saved your life earlier, but it's best for you not to know. Hackula knows that; you'll just freak out about his little secret, which no one needs to know, nor do the developers. As only a few hours pass, you decide to head to bed. As for Hackula, he was still worried. He noticed that he glitched a bit as he lay inside his coffin and took deep breaths as he exhaled slowly, which stopped the glitching. Therefore, he just wanted to sleep. Today was a long day, and in just a few weeks he will be removed from the public rotation as he falls in a deep sleep.

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