Chapter 6 - The unknown

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"It's strange how I look so different compared to my digital and 3D model selves; this is quite the change." As he watches in the shadows and wonders about the place or, to say, the world that he's in, as he looks so different from his home world, the only difference is that he doesn't follow a code or pathway as he was programmed and designed to do; he's free to do as he wishes in this world. As he pounders to see the mortal that summon him, he rushes to its bed as Hackula teleports himself out of this mortal home to see himself standing in the middle of a sidewalk of the street in this little neighborhood that was surrounded by a forest close by as he explores his surroundings. As he walks in the streets on a dark and cold night, he wonders on his own curiosity as he feels a strong sensation of hunger and thirst for blood. As he kneeled down in the ground on the sidewalk where he was walking, while he looked around to see if there was someone in sight, lucky for him, there was a human walking on the other side of the street distracted on his own phone. Hackula growled in his hunger, as if something were taking over him, as his fangs sharpened as he smelled the air of the blood from the human, as if he didn't think straight. Little did the human know that life was going to be its last as Hackula took a bite on the poor human's neck as he drank, feeding his thirst and hunger. As for the human feeling weak enough to even fight back, it was like his very life was being drained away as Hackula fed his hunger as he stopped to let the human go, dropping dead on the sideway. As he regained his senses to see what he'd done, he didn't think it would be awful, but at the same time, it felt nice to drink actual human blood. As he thinks in the world of the virtual world, everything is code, there is no need to do such harsh things or actions as the red fluids in the game don't have taste as they are only colored fluids or solids with no flavor. As he grabs the human body, he sees a forest close by. As he wonders in, he walks much deeper into the forest as he sees that he is no longer in the neighborhood. Letting the human body on the ground, he takes a moment to take in his surroundings as he closes his eyes and listens to the forest sounds in the night as he opens his eyes to look up at the sky and see how mesmerizing it looks. He finds it strange that his body is cold as ice, and while he examines himself, his hands are soft from the other side of his hand, while his palm is rough and smooth. When he extends his hand out, his nails become sharp like cat claws. He only gasps as amazed as he listens around him, his hearing as sharp as a bat as he looks in more depth around to notice how sharp his eye sight is. In fact, he can see so well in the dark as he takes steps to explore the forest and test if he still holds his ability, just like in the game. As he leaps on the high breaches of the trees, he makes it to the top and lets himself fall as he teleports right to the place where he was. He wonders what else he can do with his ability as he no-clips through walking a tree as he leans on a huge rock to the point that he tilted the rock off as he grabs back before causing any trouble. As he sighs, it's good to know that he is still strong in the real world, just like in the game. He had wicked grin on his face as he chuckled a bit as he spewed one of his bat bombs out of his hand to see how different it looked—so real and quite cute for a deadly weapon of his. As his bat bomb squeaks at him as he listens to it, to hear him speak to him on how he wishes to cause some destruction, he chuckles. The bat bomb only snuggles on the palm of his hand as he smiles as he says, "Alright little one, ready to cause some destruction?" the bat bomb only squeaked with joy as it nodded as Hackula threw it in mid-air high above in the sky as it exploded, creating a purple neon expulsion like fireworks as it sparked. *What a light show*, as he thought, but he wondered if someone saw that. As he rushes back to the mortal that summons him, he no-clips back to see the mortal sleeping as he thinks to himself, What can he do now that he exists among the same mortals who love and hate him? "Right! My voice actor... oh, I'm sure he'll like to see me. Wait, that's too soon... Maybe just check on him." He wonders if he will find his voice actor as he snaps at his fingertips as a hologram screen appears in front of him. He was shocked to know that his ability to hack was still a part of him; he thought only his vampire ability was the only thing he had. Didn't expect to have his power as well. As he adjusted his glasses to spawn his gaming chair as he sat down, he did his best to locate and track where his voice actor lived once he got the location. As he teleports himself to the location as he blends himself in the darkness to see his voice actor recording new voice lines for another character, a part of Hackula just wants to scare him a bit, but then again, he's busy as Hackula was about to take his leave to realize that his foot steps are loud due to his weight as he hears his voice actor panic. Right as he was about to leave, his voice actor was face-to-face with the very character that he voiced. Hackula only greets him as his voice actor starts to defend his home from him. Hackula just grabs his hand to see how big his hand is to the mortal body, and his voice actor is shocked as he uses his other hand to try to hit him. Hackula only yawns as he uses his ability to slow time for just a second. The voice actor was just having a hard time processing what was going on. Hackula notices his fear and worry about what's happening as he speaks to him. "What's wrong? Can't you recognize the very same character that started your career?" His voice actor was just stunned to hear him speak as Hackula let him go as he approached a little closer. His voice actor seemed to lose his mind as he laughed about Hackula's question about why he laughed. To hear that, his voice actor must be hallucinating because it is not possible to meet or see a fictional character in real life. Hackula just laughs a bit at his replies, which he finds funny as he places his hand on the voice actor's shoulder, as he now knows that Hackula is much more frightened to hear his own voice on Hackula, which scares him to the core. Hackula sense that his fear is strong, but he can see that his blood is pumping quite fast, which causes the voice actor to faint. Hackula quickly checks on him to see if his heart rate is still pumping, and as he sighs in relief, he knows he's fine. "Ughhh, my bad. Uh, right, I can't say your real name. How funny! Well, let's see what I can do." Hackula places his hand above the voice actor's chest to heal him and to hear his heart rate becoming normal as he calls for an ambulance in the voice actor's normal voice as he leaves once the help arrives. He sighs that at least he's in good hands and just hopes that his voice actor doesn't remember seeing him. After this frightening encounter, Hackula wants to know why this mortal brought him and how they did it. As the days go by and weeks pass, Hackula has gotten used to being in the mortal realm, as now he knows why the mortal was brought to this world; he didn't think he would have such a skill to pull off a powerful ritual, more like opening a portal for him to jump into. Hackula does enjoy the company of this fan and also remembers you dearly, the more he thinks. It is best not to meet just yet until the right timing comes. As for him, the only thing that he needs to worry about is satisfying his hunger for blood. He also discovers that the developers can't create another version of him, which it seem like when he jumps into reality, the game files can't find him nor restore a copy, which is strange. As he senses himself being a bit tired and sleepy, he looks around to see where he should sleep. He tries to stay hidden and blend into his surroundings to not be seen, and he finds a spot underneath the bed to sleep in for now as he figures out where to live. Turning himself into a shadow, he blends well out of sight as he slumbers, as the mortal is a fan of Hackula, who wonders if the ritual worked as he gets ready to visit his friend to spend the time and stay away from his trouble doing a ritual at his own parents home. As he figures it is best to stay a bit in his friend's place, as for Hackula, at dawn, once the sun rises down, he awakes from his slumber to notice the mortal left, as that is the least of his worries as he goes off to seek blood. As he hunts for his next meal to satisfy his hunger, he finds an unfortunate human close by. He sneaks up and follows the human to see that the human meeting up with a group of friends as he watches, but he is also curious. The human and her friends walk together as they wonder the night as he follows in a safe manner, distance from the mortals, not being noticed and keeping a close watch over them. The mortals just fool around as they come to hang out in a near a dark alley as he approaches them slowly to see one distinct away from their group as he strikes, leaving the group to wonder what happened to their friend. As he bites through the skin of his prey as he grabs tightly the mortal to not escape nor plead for help at all, The mortal struggled to break free as he fed on their blood as he tasted every single drop. The flavor tasted even better with the mortal in fear or mad, which he finds quite amusing as he finishes letting go of the mortal as it drops dead to the cold and rough ground of the sidewalk as he leaves the scene while he licks his lips of the stains of blood that were left as he return to the mortal that summoned him. As he sees the mortal is not around in his room, he sees what the mortal has to offer to see an interesting spell book of vampire spells. He opens it and reads through it as he places himself back down on the desk to see that the spell tells the story of a similar vampire like him but far more cruel and sadistic than him. He only sighs and explores a little more to see the mortal computer, and it would be a shame not to check on what the mortal has been doing. As he peeks at the mortal computer, he sees nothing much that is out of this world. But there were some alarming comments about him and how he got removed from the game. He saw that this mortal was indeed a fan of his, but it seems the fanatic went to his head. By how this mortal brought him to this world, he thinks about how much different the world is from his home realm. He wasn't in any way mad at the mortal that brought him here, but instead happy, almost overjoy in fact. He yawns, as he should have found a place to sleep much later, before the sunrise, for which he had plenty of time. As he teleported out of the mortal home to walk again in the forest when he arrived in this world, he felt more comfortable and welcome as he walked much deeper in the forest to see a couple of stones in his path. As he looked on where it led to encounter a castle in ruins, he was mesmerized by it. He grins to find a perfect place to sleep and live, he thought. He approaches the ruin castle to see some parts and the scale of the castle structure as he backs away a bit to extend his hands out as the castle ruin glowed neon purple around it, as it shaped the rest of the structure of the castle, missing areas and parts that Hackula was rebuilding the hologram area that was filled as he adjusted to his liking until he saw it was the ideal home for him. As his eyes glowed purple as well as he embraced his hands together in the hologram area, the castle ruin was no more but a castle fit for an overlord like himself as he entered in, to see everything on how he saw it in his mind, so pleased with himself on the great work and masterpiece he did. He wonders how to claim his new home without needing to be bothered by those inferring mortals who want him out of their property. He thinks in depth about what to claim as his forever home, and while he walks in the forest away from the castle, he notice that the forest is near the neighborhood of this small town. While thinking, he just uses what he knows best to hack as he summons his hologram screens to get information and gather enough knowledge of the world he's in, and it seems that he has found his solution to all of this. Therefor has printed out in thin air a paper that gives the right to own, as he needs to know who owns that area or be given permission to own it. As he now notices that he needs a mortal to sign this approval, he only groans at how bothersome it looks and that he needs to stay a little late to claim the home he wants. As he sees the sun rise while walking in town to change in his human disguised to blend in, it will protect him for the time being from the sun as long as he has enough energy, that is, as he finds the places to get his approval as he waits until it opens, and it seems he was in luck. The mortal didn't seem to care to read the pager he had as the mortal only signed it with no second thought. Hackula only thought it seemed too easy as he walks back in the forest to his new home as he goes inside to finally have a well-deserved rest.

Hackula x Reader - (maybe idk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang