Chapter 7 - Familiar friend

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While it seems for you that been days or almost months to hear that Hackula removal was official you were not much active on your social media nor wanted to feel sad on knowing that is true, you missed the silly nerd and most fierce overlord so you think of ways on distracting yourself from it, as you spend more time with your friends and visited a bit your family as you stay there for a while to keep your mind distracted and know on what was going with your family or what they been doing these past year since you left and lived in your own for quite some time now. There seems to be some conflict or tension with your parents, you wish to interfere in a way but for you couldn't in the last encounter you got yourself almost in a messy situation on their conflict. You only sigh as she prefer to head outside for a walk and away from the problem of theirs, as you stroll in this fine evening and quite windy. Luckily you had your warm sweater on this cold evening as you distracted your mind and looked around your surroundings to notice how much has changed in the area you used to live. You had some fond and some not so great memories in your childhood area that you grew up in. While you look from side to side to cross the road all of sudden you are surprised by being grabbed by a random person from behind and dragging you in a dark alley as you fight back to break free to turn face to face with the person that grab you. It stands in front of you ready to stab you with its pocket knife and by close inspection you see it carrying as well a firearm on the side of his pocket. You try to remain calm and walk slowly away as it points a firearm in front of you. You quickly stop and remain still as you feel your body sweat a little and breathing heavily uncertain on what to do at this point. While you struggle to get out alive of this one unlike the previous one, Hackula sense that something wasn't right as he roams out of the forest as he takes a flight up to sense on where was this troubling feeling he was having, it didn't took long as he lands close to where you were in the dark alley in the other side as he takes a deep breath as he approaches closely towards the guy and you. You notice the tall figure behind the person was approaching anomaly, slow and eerie feeling to it presence. The person heard behind as Hackula moved quickly before the guy could even have a chances to shot him, as the person seem confused on where he went, as Hackula appeared in front the person having his mouth wide open biting the person's neck draining the blood the guy as it squirm from trying get him off, as you quickly run in panic away from the dark alley way that you were. You didn't bother to notice on who it was as you ran for your life to reach back to safety, as for Hackula snapping the neck of the guy as he spit the blood out it didn't tasted quite as he was expecting as he only grin to see you run in fear this give Hackula the fun for a chase as he appears in front you as he embrace you not letting go at all while you try to break free from his grasp as you kick him right on his private part as he stays still to only laugh as you didn't expected that all as that would usual worked as he looks at you as the light pole that you were both standing at light to see his face a bit. He was oddly familiar, as if you knew him from somewhere, as he speaks. "Hmm, Mortal what's wrong? Is like you see someone that you use-" He lets you go to realize who he was going to almost feed on, as he backs away from you. You find it odd that he did that, as you were about to ask him to see him leave from your sight. And question what was all that about, while you head back to your family home. Hackula was floating above your family home, as he couldn't believe to find you if it weren't for his sense of unease, as he finds it quite strange that he is able to sense danger. He thinks to himself but couldn't help to feel hunger as he growls a bit as he looks around at this height he can see almost everything in this area of yours. He lands down to another dark alley as he takes a stroll to find an unlucky victim to feed on, as he didn't need to wait long as he fed this time a young woman he couldn't help himself as he kept drinking her blood uncontrollable as he scolded himself in his mind. *Ughhh?! I can't help it, it's like my hunger is taking over me, I'm only focusing on drinking more and more. At this rate I'll kill this women.?!!* He stops to hear the women mumble under her last breath as he lets her go, as he holds her on his arm as he rolls his eyes a bit. As he snaps his fingers to revive her as he leaves the scene as he returns back to his home, and now that he has two personal servants will one as his fan and for the other just a blighty willing to serve him, as he didn't mind at all. He was given a blood from the mortal's friend that summon him as he drinks it to feel himself like him again. As he thanks the mortal's friend for bring the blood that he require as the mortal's friend left, the mortal stay behind to ask him something, as he looks at the mortal curious but also a bit annoyed. "Ughhh...very well mortal, go ahead then. What is it that you want to ask me? " The mortal ask him on how his friend could be involved in his mess as he only laughs on how blind this mortal was it wasn't him who involved his friend into his bidding, it was his very own friend who did it willingly, not him. "OH that just rich mortal, you think it was my doing. OOH please, it was all your friend not me. But I gotta say he does look up to me. Which you are no different then your friend. You could return me if you want, BUT you HAVEN'T." the mortal stayed quiet for second as it reply back as Hackula listen closely to what the mortal had to say. He was impressed but also flattered but the reason he was brought here must the be the reason Hackula suspected that his removable was true and to no longer return as he sigh and thank the mortal to bring him to his world also leaving the mortal a final question for them to answer. "Interesting, but I also have a question for you, there will be time in where you'll return me if that day arrives please do think about it." The mortal thought of it, didn't even thought of ever doing such thing to him not even returning him to his world. As Hackula can see the mortal expression and behavior as he gets told by the mortal on his answers to be most surprised while he about to ask the mortal another question to be answered not even allow him to ask the mortal. On this revelation it gave him a wicked grin on his face as he laughs a bit upon this news. "Heheee...HAHAAAAAA! Oh Mortal, I was most not expecting that at all. Usually with someone with common sense would instantly return back to my merry way. But you wish to serve me with your dear life now I'm not sure if that admirable or dumb. Ughhh...but I can't argue on your statement mortal very well, then your honor to serve me at your very last breath." He was most surprise to see the mortal overjoyed to serve him to death than again he didn't bother to know much about the mortal reason to serve him so blindly. As the days pass and in the month of october Hackula only manage to contain slightly his urge for blood as he needed more blood to keep it under control or at least at bay. As he was up early before dawn he waited until it was dark as he leaves to hunt on new prey to feed his thirst as he sees a fellow female specimen in the streets alone as he followed but looks troubled as she wasn't focus on her surrounds as he approach her. As he was right behind her to see her cry as he titled his head to why this mortal was sad as he ask her on what trouble her, she got startled by his sudden presence she didn't realize that she was followed or for a random strange to ask her about her problem. Hackula stand still he was most couriers to what bother the mortal's mind as she tells him about her life and how isn't as fulfilling than she thought only wanting to end it all. Hackula grin and chuckle a bit upon hearing this while he think for a bit as he explains it makes sense for mortal like herself to see or think like that. As the mortal life is filled with such disappointment and shame but it cause within their own kind. As he places his hand on her shoulder to reassure that it will be fine unless she's willing to serve him as his right hand in command when he isn't around. This offer got her full attention as she thought about it as she asked what would she get return if she accepted his offer, Hackula grin as his smile got wider while leaning a bit close to her as he replied back. "Simple mortal, I'll give you the freedom that you long desire. In return I only ask for your blood for your loyalty, So do we have ourselves a deal mortal?" She was most confused as to why he would want her blood as she asked him for the reason for the blood as he grip tightly his hand on her shoulder placing his other hand on her left arm as he was face to face with hers. His eyes were bright purple as he licked his fangs and said the following "Oh mortal, you haven't realized what am I or what I truly am. I'm a far more superior being than you as of now your my satisfy my hunger." She felt intense sense of fear running through her whole body while she try to break free from his grasp to no avail his fangs were right pressing on her skin as it push through releasing the blood to flow as he drink her blood to him is like drink sweet nectar or fine wine her blood was most pleasing and satisfying his hunger very easily once he finished pulling away his fangs from her her neck as he licked his lips cleaning up the remain blood upon seeing him and what he done it couldn't be possible for fictional being to exist as he notice her shocked expression he laughed as it was enough to snap her back to reality as she ask him if was a real vampire Hackula just laughed even more becoming more sinner and manically after all that laugher from him still within his grasp as she was frightened but her curiosity got the better of her Hackula took a moment to calm myself as he explained. "Oh, well I am a vampire but not the ones that you have in mind oh no. I'm a whole different kind of vampire that can bend your world's reality and change it as I desire. But that would be too easy. What's the fun in that mortal" it got her thinking and was more than willing to serve him and work for him, he smiled and was thrilled to hear this news of her as he takes her to his humble home in the middle of the forest that no one dares to wonder about. From this day forth she became Hackula right hand on taking care on providing the blood that he needed through the way even gather some mortals to serve him when he went during his hunt when he need to feed his hunger but also need a plan to deal with strong thirsty for blood that drive him insane every single night that he awakens gets the unpleasing feeling of pain and headache is like his thirsty for blood begs him to crave for blood like never before he understand that he was design and built different within his code in the game, but here in reality is much difficult for him to control this strong feeling and urge to feed his hunger. He must find a way to control or keep it under control so he can't lose his mind. As he takes a moment to think as he did hear and was aware of the month that he was released on the game when he was active, he recalls that in the month of october was the only month and a day mortals went trick or treating for one night while he thought about it. By the time he's been in this small town and neighborhood it was clear that this area trusted one another not to say that he has himself someone following his track due to some of his reckless actions from feeding. As he kept thinking in depth about his hunger, and the person that followed me on the case on the people that he had fed from, and some that became his servant. He could risk those that help him need his blood to be punished for his action and needs as the mortal that became his right hand mortal came right in the hidden chamber as he turns to see her. She walked up to him and was gave his blood which he find amusing the blood that he was provide ease his hunger but it wasn't enough to keep it completely at bay as it rise when he feels that everything is alright or just a fuss can cause him to crave the thirsty for blood making behave like feral animal that hasn't ate at all anything. The mortal noticed his pain and struggle. She was the only one that was told about his issue. He took a drink from the blood that he was given. He felt refreshed as she gave him another which he was grateful. Hackula refers to her as "Follower" due to her on how the other mortals respect, and inspired to her ideal but she always reminds them to follow her wishes not hers as it is a path of no return. As he finished drinking his blood he felt his pain and urge thirsty fade away for now as he sigh of relief to face her. Follower typically wears a long cloak hood that covers her face; the cloak fools other people into mistaking her to male mortal as she speaks to him about his issue. Hackula only wanted to know if it possible to gather a enough of blood on one night as she thought for moment there would have to be great amount people to do so, while he calculated on what he was told to reply back to her to hear his plan to satisfy his hunger she nod on agreement to help him on finally getting enough blood to feed him. He smiles that she was willing to help as he lets her plan as he leaves from his hidden chamber from his rest place to head out from humble home as he takes a moment to reflect upon his plan and the world he's in. He really wanted to see you but was most worried about his own issue with himself on the strange urge thirsty for blood. He wouldn't bear to harm you as you were his close friend, the very first mortal that didn't fear him enjoying his company and time with him. He really need to ease or cure his insufferable urge of thirsty, as he wonder the night looking to place to think on ease or distract his mind from the troubles that been haunt him since he arrive in this world. He gets that he has free will the freedom that he thrive and desire to have so long when he was created within the game he was while he stare at the starry night to see a few clouds above feeling the cold windy air taking a moment to appreciate it the way he can feel and hear around him as he looked from the town from he was began to fly to get a better view to the beautiful sight of the night it show how wonderful it is at dawn. As he floated in sky to see how well his hearing was from he was so high up and his sight sharp nothing can't escape him as he smell the air for a moment the fresh air of coldness he really enjoy it to see the colds gather on more in sky to sense moist air of the atmosphere. He lands back down to walks his way back home, but couldn't help to think about you, so he thought for moment maybe just a quick stop to just check on you for moment before he head back to his home. So he went back to the area on where you both encountered before for the very first time in person. He could sense you were around by your scent as he was standing far from your parent home, as you just wonder that day when you encounter him just thinking on what it really him the very same character that you liked from the game it just couldn't be possible. Hackula only watched for a while as he return back he wasn't sure if to knock to ask about you or he would need invitation to enter. As he remembers, the vampire code can't be welcome to enter without consent just simply restricted him from entering. While he return back to handle whatever issues with his fellow servants once he arrive back his fellow right hand mortal as he leans down to hear her, to be informed about the investigator that on the case of the many victims that Hackula has killed and some that serve him. He was shock but amused to know that someone was getting closer on his tracks, as he tells the mortal to keep them under watch once they get too close to where he is, he would like to meet them in person when that time arrives he'll think of something. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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