~~Ribby and Croaks and Snow falling on a fall day?!?!~~

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Cuphead: Let me get this straight. You expect me to believe that you "sleep-ate" an entire container of ice cream without waking up?

Mugman:You expect me to believe you did.

Cuphead: And just who sleep-eats with a spoon?

Mugman:People with manners.

Cuphead: You're nothing but a common thief!

Mugman: You're the thief!

Cuphead: No, you are!

[They both fight.]

Kettle: Enough! You boys are family. No use getting bent out of shape about little stuff. Just let it be water under the bridge. Now, here's five bucks. And some pocket lint. Go do something fun together. You two are brothers.

Cuphead: Why does he always get the five bucks?!

Mugman: And why does he always get the pocket lint?

Cuphead: No, you do!

Kettle: Out!

Cuphead: I say we just take the money and buy some more ice cream.

Mugman: Look, if we invest it, we could have as much ice cream as we want when we're older.

Cuphead: But I want ice cream now!

Mugman: You don't have to be such a...

Ribby: Head right up, folks. We cast off in a few minutes. Get on the boat. Hey, hey! Looks like we got a couple of VIPs on our hands. Youse two want the premium treatment, don't yas? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Cuphead: What's with those gloves?

Ribby: Ho-oh, we used to be pro boxers.

Croaks: Champions!

Ribby: But, our dear old ma, she hated when we pounded each other. So we opened this club! We're respectable types now.

Croaks: Anybody says different, I'll pound 'em!

Ribby: Ha-ha! Croaks is just kidding! Check this out! Want an evening you'll never forget? We got first-class entertainments, ballroom dancing, and fine dining.

Cuphead: Mugsy, look! "Free ice cream with entry."

Both: Ice cream!

Croaks: Not so fast!

Ribby: Cover charge is 20 bucks.

Cuphead: We don't have that much.

Ribby: Hmm... Well, how much you got?

Cuphead: Five bucks and some pocket lint.

Ribby: You know what $5 gets you?

Both: Ice cream?

Croaks: A kick in the pants!

Ribby: Did you see how far I kicked that little punk?

Croaks: You saying you better than me?

Ribby: So what if I am?

Ribby: Oh! Hello, Mr. Mayor., Mrs. Mr. Mayor. We're respectable types.

Croaks: Say any different and I'll pound you!

Ribby: Oh! This guy! Always with the jokes! Please, step right inside.

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