~~Roll the dice!~~

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[In an normal day in Inkwells Isies the cup brothers and Amber, Cherry were playing with Elder Kettles lucky tire]

Kettle: Boys, Amber, Cherry! Our favorite radio show is about to start! Hey! You're not playing with my lucky tire again, are ya?

Cuphead & Mugman: Of course not, dearest Kettle.

Amber & Cherry: No we are not, Elder Kettle!

[Then the tire rolls off and Amber and Cherry eyes widen and they ran after the tire with Cuphead and Mugman following]

Announcer: Live from beautiful Inkwell City.....it's everyone's favorite game show, Roll the Dice! Featuring your master of ceremonies, King Dice!

[As the Cups brother, and girl and Cherry were chasing the tire we see an show calle: Roll the dice, and we get to be introduced to the host with the most: King Dice!!!]

King Dice: All right. Let's jump right in! Who will be the first lucky contestant to Roll the Dice? Will it be... You!

Telephone: Yay!

Cartoon charater: All right, Telephone!

King Dice: It's your lucky day, sir. Get on up here and Roll the Dice. Don't touch. Now, all you gotta do is make it through three rounds, then you get to enter the mystery prize room. First up, Name That Tune!

Telephone: Ah! "Little Brown Jug."

King Dice: Correct! Now, on to the trivia round! Which is the only mammal that cannot jump?

Telephone: Hmm... The elephant.

King Dice: Correct!

Elephant: Show-offs.

King Dice: Now, for the final game. All you gotta do is Roll the Dice! Roll any number and you'll go to the mystery prize room.

[Telephone spins the dices and it's landed on two 6 making 12 points]

King Dice: We have a winner! You are one lucky phone! Now, off you go to the mystery prize room! We'll be right back.

Telephone: Hello? [Then an soul sucker came and took the Telephone Soul] Uh-oh. [Then he turned souless and an trap door opened and Telephone sat in an broken matrested and then an King Dice sign says 'Thanks for playing']

[Then King Dices cards were getting him all ready for his next show, the dimonad card was putting on an purple lipstick onto the circle on his dice, as the clover card was ironing is suit, then one for the cards fixxed his moustache, then King Dice tolded them to go and they did]

King Dice: Who's the host with the most, hmm?

Reflection: You are, you handsome devil.

King Dice: Oh! You're terrible!

Announcer: Now, we return to your favorite radio game show, Roll the Dice!

[As King Dice was going on stage there was an wanter poster for Cuphead soul]

King Dice: Who will be our next lucky contestant? [Then the doors open and Amber, Cherry, Cuphead, and Mugman and then the spotlight was on Cuphead!]  You! You're the next contestant on Roll the Dice! [Cuphead smiled and ran up to King Dice and hugged his leg] Welcome to the show! Now, let go of my leg and tell us a little bit about yourself.

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