~~~Handle with Care~~

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[At home, Cuphead wears a blindfold on his forehead.]

Cuphead: Prepare to have your face rearranged, pal. [He pulls the blindfold over his eyes.]

Mugman: You're messing with the wrong mug, buddy. [He pulls his own blindfold down.]

Amber: Umm Boys you know it will hurt you if you put an blindfold on...

Cherry: A come on let boys be boys!

Cuphead: [holding up a pillow and fluffing it] Three...

Mugman: [fluffing his pillow] Two...

Cuphead: One, go!

[Yelling, the boys run past each other and swing their pillows wildly. Outside, Elder Kettle waters the garden. Inside, Mugman twirls as Cuphead smacks the floor. Something is heard smashing.]

Both: Uh-oh.

Amber: Ok what broke- OH MY ICE TEA! [Covers her mouth in shocked]

Cherry: Huh- Oh cherry chopsticks...

Mugman: What was that? [He and Cuphead remove their blindfolds. Cuphead sees the back of Mugman's head.]

Cuphead: Ooh!

Mugman: What is it?

[Mugman's broken handle is seen lying on the floor.]

Cuphead: [sweating profusely] Uh... Nothing, at all. Nothing. Why? What? Why?

Amber: Yep nothing at all. [Chuckleds nervously]

Mugman: [giving Cuphead and Amber a suspicious glare] Oh, it's something. [He faces the mirror] Hmm... [He buffs a tooth, then checks his nose. He notices the broken remains of the back of his head, then slowly turns around to see his handle on the floor. He touches his head, then screams. As he runs around, Cuphead picks up the handle.]

Cuphead: Can you feel this? [He pokes the handle, then tickles it. Mugman laughs.]

Cherry: Hehhe my turn! [Tickles the handle]

Mugman: Hey! Give me that! [He snatches the handle and splutters.]

Cuphead: Buddy, relax. We'll handle it. [Mugman glares] I mean, take care of it. [He licks the handle, then twirls Mugman around] Easy as pie. [He sticks it back onto Mugman's head] See?

[Mugman swoons, delighted. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long and the handle falls off, chipping more small porcelain fragments.]

Mugman: Boy, that never gets easier.

Cuphead: Don't worry just yet. [He gets out a roll of scotch tape, and tapes the handle to Mugman's head.]

Mugman: How do I look?

Amber: Good as new, good job lov- I mean Cuphead!

[The handle falls. Mugman yells, tape still on his face. Cuphead ponders what to do. Cherry gets an idea, then runs out of the house and returns with a honey-filled beehive. She waves a few bees away, then dips the handle into the honey and sticks it back on.]

Cherry: And voilà!

Mugman: Thanks, Cherry.

[As the Cherry and Mugman shake hands, a liquid drips into Cherry's head. A black bear looms over the the cup and the cherry. It chases them around the room. It beats them up offscreen. It walks out of the house with the beehive under its arm. The battered brothers lie on the floor.]

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