At the hospital

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-HEEEELP!!! Pleas, is any doctor here? This is emergency, pleas somebody help! Pete was shouting, while carrying unconscious Rain covered in blood all over his naked body.

-Im a doctor what is emergency? A nice young woman asked while running down the hallway. 

-Pleas, doctor help he was raped and he is unconscious. He is also bleeding a lot im scared he could die. Pete said with so much fear in his voice, and tears in his eyes.

-Hurry up, put him on this bed! You two ECG, blood pressure, biochemistry, two mg of adrenalin, and clean his wounds now! Young doctor said very fast and very seriously. Then she looked up in Pete and his blood covered shirt and face then asked. Sir are you hurt too?

-No, no im fine im just scared for Rain. Pleas doctor help him! Pete said with shaking voice.

-Dont worry Sir everything will be fine. She said with calming voice.

-Doctor! Doctor! his hart stop we stared reanimation but his not responding! What should we do? Nurse said very nervously.

-Shit! Give him 2 ml of adrenalin and keep reanimating him, im coming! Sir dont worry well do everything to help him! Just dont panic everything will be fine!

-How i can calm down, do something! RAIN,RAIN! Pete was shouting freaked out.

-Sir you cant go there stay right here, and calm down, thats the only thing you can do to help him right now. Doctor said and ran out to the shock room.

Pete stayed alone completely freaked out. He was nervously walking around in front of the shock room biting his nails and thinking what if Rain doesent make it. Everytime when that thought came across his mind he was trying to ignore it but worthless. That thought was too scary and everytime cold sweat would ran down to his spine. He was shaking, he never was this scared for someone in his life. He couldnt explain it to him self why, but he just. After a half an hour doctor came out and shout 

-His back! But she didnt seemed too happy.

-Oh thanks god, thats great. But you dont look too happy. Pete said with doubt.

-His back but he needs surgery, immediately! His hart beat is too low and his brain was too long with out oxygen. If he doesent get it its a great chance he will stay in coma forever. Doctor said with sadness in her voice.

Pete walked slowly to her looked her in the eyes with death stare and said. 

-Doctor i dont care what it takes, ill give everything just to help that boy. Just say how much it will cost and do whatever you need to save him! Do you understand me? 

-Okay then. Boys take him to the second flor and call cardiologist and brain surgeon and tell them to prepare for operation we are starting in 20. She said strictly, then turned around to Pete and said.

-I promise we will do all to help him, you dont need to worry our doctors are one of the best in the world. Now sit down and try to calm down just a little bit.

-Okay, ill sit but if something happens to that kid i promise ull be sorry! Pete said while siting in a chair.

He was siting and thinking in that chair for four hours. Every second was torture for him. He was looking in the watch on the wall and counting every second, he was waiting for someone to tell him anything, but he didnt get any response. He was waiting all night it was 8AM already.

-Rain!, Rain!, Rain! Where is my friend?! That was Sky, running true hospital with Pai running behind him.

-Sky! Sky! calm down his on operation he will be fine. Pete said while stopping him of running.

-Oh my god Pete what happend to you? Sky said in shock when he saw Petes bloody shirt and face. 

-Oh, this is Rains blood, im fine. But where is my son? Pete asked.

-Hes on his way, he ran to his bike  as soon as i told him. Sky said.

-Hi Pete, hows Rain? Do you know anything yet? Pai asked trying to sound calm but with out success.

-I still dont know anything, ive been waiting for four hours by now. Pete said and in that moment doctor came out and said.

-Good news everybody, operations was successfull! There is no permanent damage on brain.

-Doctor, tell us how is he now? When hell wake up from coma? Sky asked with tears in his eyes.

-Trust me team of best doctors worked on him, we did all we could, everything is on him now. Doctor said and in that moment Venice showed up and ran right up to doctor.

-Doctor how is he how is Rain? Tell me is everything all right? Phayu said very nervously.

-Dont worry everything is fine, operation went great his is good now. Doctor said with her calming voice.

-Can we see him? Just for a little bit? Sky asked.

-Sadly no, he is in intensive care now and no one is allowed to be there.

-Pleas doctor, pleas his only thing i truly have on this world. Pleas let me see him, this is maybe last time if something happens to him. Pleas! Venice said, while crying and sobbing, with his hurt voice.

-Okay but only 5 minutes and only you can go.

-Thank you doctor so much, this means a lot. Venice said.

He followed doctor to the Rains room, but when they got there he stand for a bit. He was encourage his self. This was maybe last time to see his lover, but he took a deep breath and came in. When he saw Rain in bandages he was freaked out. He couldnt move he was just standing and looking at biggest love in his life in terrible condition knowing he coundt do anything to prevent this. He was looking at him for solid 3 minutes doesent do anything, just simply droping one tear and saying one word.


He ran out not looking back, pass everyone ignoring their questions sat on his bike and went in unknow direction.

Love in the air/Kinnporsche Lost memoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora