Chapter 3: An Unexpected Roommate Discussion

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The hotel corridor stretched out before Nova as she made her way to her assigned room, the scene in the lobby with Rhea Ripley still fresh in her mind. The tension in the air had been electric, and her heart raced with anticipation as she inserted the key card into the lock.

As the door swung open, Nova's eyes went wide with surprise, and her jaw dropped in disbelief. The room was not empty as she had expected. Instead, it was already occupied by a figure that sent a jolt of shock through her.

There, standing before her, was Rhea Ripley, the imposing champion of the women's division. Rhea's confident demeanor remained as she looked at Nova with a sly grin. She was dressed in a sports bra, revealing her toned physique adorned with an array of tattoos. Her sculpted abs were a testament to her intense training and unmatched strength.

Nova's breath caught in her throat, and her eyes involuntarily traced the ink on Rhea's skin, mesmerized by the intricate artwork that told a story of its own. She couldn't help but feel an unusual mixture of intimidation and attraction in the presence of the dominant force that was Rhea Ripley.

Rhea approached Nova with a measured, confident stride. Her smirk grew, and she reveled in the effect her presence had on the audacious newcomer. Nova shuddered under the weight of Rhea's unwavering gaze, realizing that she was in close quarters with the formidable champion, and there was no escape.

As the realization sunk in that she would be sharing a room with Rhea, Nova knew that this unexpected turn of events was about to intensify the brewing rivalry between them.

With Nova standing there, her eyes wide and still processing the shock of finding Rhea Ripley in her hotel room, the tension in the air was palpable. Rhea, in her sports bra, displayed a confidence that was characteristic of the dominant champion, while Nova felt a mix of surprise, intimidation, and curiosity.

Rhea broke the silence with a smirk as she took a step closer to Nova. Her eyes locked onto Nova's, and the intensity of the moment seemed to grow. It was clear that Rhea was enjoying the effect she had on the audacious newcomer. Nova's shuddering, uncertain demeanor only seemed to fuel her confidence.

Seeing Nova's discomfort, Rhea decided to address the situation. "Looks like we're roomies for the night, huh?" she remarked, her tone casual but with an underlying sense of authority.

Nova, still taken aback by the sudden turn of events, nodded slowly. "Yeah, I didn't expect...this."

Rhea's smirk grew even wider as she glanced around the room. "Well, it's not the Ritz, but it'll do. We've got a lot in store for us, so we might as well get comfortable."

As Rhea spoke, Nova noticed the tattoos adorning her powerful arms and the determination etched in her eyes. It was evident that Rhea was more than just a roommate; she was a formidable competitor who wouldn't hesitate to assert her dominance.

Rhea's tone shifted, becoming more serious as she leaned in slightly. "Listen, Nova, I know we had a bit of a standoff in the lobby, but this is the wrestling world. We all fight for our place. I respect ambition, but remember, you have no idea what Mami is capable of."

Rhea's words sent a chill down Nova's spine, a reminder of the rivalry that was brewing between them. The room was filled with a charged atmosphere, and it was clear that the dynamic between these two powerful women would shape the future of the women's division.

As Rhea took a step back, Nova knew that this unexpected arrangement would be a test of her mettle. With the champion as her roommate, she had been thrust into a high-stakes situation, and the wrestling world would soon bear witness to the fierce clash that was about to unfold.

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