Chapter 13: A Painful Bargain

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As Nova found herself trapped in Bayley's painful submission hold, the agony on her face was evident. But Nova's spirit was unbroken, and her determination shone through. With every ounce of her strength, she fought to break free.

The crowd's support was a relentless roar in the background, urging Nova to find a way out. Rhea, positioned on the ring apron, watched with unwavering belief in her partner.

"Come on, Nova!" Rhea's voice boomed, encouragement laced with unyielding determination. "You've got this! Make Mami proud!"

Nova's struggles grew more intense, her determination to escape the submission clear in her eyes. With a final surge of energy, she managed to twist and turn, creating enough space to break free. The crowd erupted in cheers as Nova made her way to her corner.

With the crowd's energy coursing through her, Nova leaped forward, her hand outstretched. She tagged Rhea, their hands connecting in mid-air. The crowd's excitement was palpable as Rhea entered the ring like a force of nature.

Rhea's presence alone was enough to send shockwaves through the ring, and she launched a ferocious assault on their opponents. Her power and intensity were unmatched, and the tide of the match had shifted dramatically.

As Rhea and Nova worked together, their connection stronger than ever, they knew that this was the turning point. With the support of the crowd and the unwavering bond they shared, they were determined to make Mami proud and secure their victory in this hard-fought battle.

With the momentum shifted in their favor, Rhea Ripley launched a ferocious assault on Bayley, unleashing a barrage of powerful moves. The crowd roared in approval, their energy fueling her every action.

In a climactic moment, Rhea hoisted Bayley onto her shoulders, her muscles straining with effort. With a determined and focused look in her eyes, she executed her finishing move, the Riptide, with devastating force. Bayley crashed to the mat, her body limp and defeated.

As Nova, positioned on the outside of the ring, saw Rhea execute the Riptide, she seized the opportunity. With a graceful dive over the top rope, she tackled Dakota Kai to the ground, preventing her from intervening.

The referee counted the pin, and Rhea and Nova emerged victorious to the jubilant cheers of the crowd. Their hard-fought battle had resulted in triumph, and they stood tall in the center of the ring, their hands raised in victory.

But as the celebration began, a sudden betrayal unfolded. Bayley and Dakota Kai, bitter and resentful in defeat, lashed out at Rhea and Nova. They ambushed the victorious pair, catching them off guard.

Rhea, who had just moments ago been celebrating, found herself at the mercy of Bayley and Dakota Kai. She groaned in pain, trying to reach for Nova's hand, her piercing blue eyes filled with a mix of defiance and determination.

Bayley taunted Rhea, relishing the opportunity to get back at them. She hit her finishing move on Nova with cruel force, leaving Nova sprawled on the mat, writhing in agony.

Dakota Kai, holding Rhea's gaze, made her watch the punishment being inflicted on Nova, a cruel reminder of the betrayal they had suffered.

As the arena was filled with shock and tension, Rhea strained to reach out to Nova, their bond as unbreakable as ever. The betrayal they had faced only solidified their determination to come back stronger, united by their unwavering partnership.

The brutal assault on Rhea and Nova had reached a shocking and painful crescendo. Rhea was now at the mercy of Dakota Kai, her arms held tightly behind her back, leaving her unable to come to Nova's aid.

As Nova lay on the mat, vulnerable and in agony, Bayley continued her relentless attack. The crowd's shock and anger were palpable as they watched the harrowing scene unfold.

Rhea's desperate pleas filled the air. "Please, stop this! You've proven your point!" Her voice was a mixture of agony and despair as she watched Nova being subjected to ruthless punishment.

Bayley, relentless and merciless, taunted Rhea as she continued her assault on Nova. "Where's Mami now, huh?" she sneered, a cruel grin on her face. "You thought you could rely on her, but look where that got you."

Dakota Kai, holding Rhea's arms tightly, added to the torment by keeping Rhea a helpless spectator to Nova's suffering. She reveled in their anguish, her sinister grin a testament to her sadistic pleasure.

Rhea's heart ached as she struggled against Dakota's grip, her piercing blue eyes filled with anguish. She felt utterly powerless, unable to protect Nova, who was enduring the brutal onslaught.

The crowd's anger and disbelief only grew, and they were vocal in their support for Rhea and Nova. The situation had escalated into a nightmarish ordeal, and Rhea's determination to protect Nova was unwavering, even in the face of a cruel and relentless assault.

As the minutes passed, the torment seemed unending. Rhea's only hope was to somehow find a way to break free and come to Nova's rescue, but the grip of Dakota Kai was unyielding. The situation had taken a dark and dire turn, and the bond between Rhea and Nova was being tested like never before.

Bayley, seizing the opportunity to assert her dominance, grabbed the microphone and knelt in front of Rhea, who was thrashing in Dakota's grip but remained helpless. She had been rendered powerless to protect Nova.

With a sinister smile, Bayley taunted Rhea, her eyes locked onto hers. "You want this to stop, don't you?" she sneered, the microphone amplifying her cruel words. "Give me what I want, and maybe, just maybe, I'll let her go."

Rhea, her voice filled with anguish, knew that Nova's well-being was on the line. She had no choice but to consider Bayley's demands. Her love for Nova and her determination to protect her were unwavering.

"Fine," Rhea gasped, her voice barely more than a breath, as she struggled against Dakota's grip. "You can have your rematch, Bayley. Just please, stop this."

As Rhea agreed to Bayley's terms, Bayley released the microphone and turned her attention back to Nova. She applied a punishing submission hold, causing Nova to cry out in pain.

Rhea, her heart heavy with despair, thrashed and fought to break free from Dakota's grasp, but the grip was unyielding. She had no choice but to watch as Bayley continued her relentless assault on Nova.

The crowd's anger and frustration were now mixed with a sense of helplessness. The situation had taken a dark and unexpected turn, and Rhea's only hope was to ensure that Nova would be spared further suffering.

As the submission hold continued, Nova's cries of pain filled the arena, and Rhea's determination to protect her and come through this ordeal with their partnership intact was stronger than ever.

After securing Rhea's agreement to grant her a rematch, Bayley released the painful submission hold on Nova. The ruthless duo of Bayley and Dakota Kai had achieved their cruel objectives, and they left the ring with a sense of triumph.

As Bayley and Dakota made their exit, the crowd's frustration was evident, and they couldn't help but boo the actions of the two villains. The arena was filled with a mixture of anger and sympathy for Rhea and Nova, who had endured a shocking betrayal.

Rhea, free from Dakota's grip, crawled over to Nova, her own body aching from the attack and the emotional turmoil. She reached out to Nova, her voice filled with a mixture of pain and tenderness.

"Mami's here now," Rhea whispered, her words a comforting reassurance. She cradled Nova, whose face was etched with pain and tears, and held her close.

Nova whimpered in pain, her body throbbing from the punishment she had endured. She clung to Rhea, her trust and reliance on her partner as strong as ever.

The arena fell silent as Rhea and Nova clung to each other, united by the bond that had been tested to its limits. The crowd's support was unwavering, and Rhea's determination to protect Nova and come through this ordeal stronger was more resolute than ever.

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