The end of Peter Parker (field trip oneshot) pt. 1

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Peter Parker was peacefully sleeping during the AP chemistry classes, when this happened. 

"Alright class I have an exiting anoucment" Mr. Harrington said "You know that every year we're going on a field trip to different location. Well... I'm very happy to tell you that, as a class with realy good grades, we were proposed to go on our field trip to... Stark Towers! I know it's-"

After that Peter muted everything around him and just stared at his teacher with pure shock and terror. How did this happened? Why did this happened? Why him of all people?

Maybe he should give a bit of explenation, after all everybody should be happy to visit THE Stark Towers. Right?

Well yeah, if they didn't worked and lived there. Because Peter did. Don't take him wrong. He loved living there with his superfamily and working with his intern friends from lower labs, he realy did. But he knew that the second any of the people mentioned above found out about this field trip, he would be doomed.

 Every one of them would take every chance to embarss the shit out of him in front of his class, he was sure. Ahh... The Parker Luck™ strikes again.

"Can you believe this, man? We're going to Stark Tower! Like I know you live there and all but it still is The Stark Tower" Ned got realy exited over the news. "Do you think we'll see The Avengers? Do you think we'll get to talk to them?"

"Ned, you've already been there with me and you've talked to every single one of them. Why are you so... like this?" I tried reasoning with him but it didn't realy worked.

"Like I know I've been there but it's still a big event! I can't wait!" Ned kept talking about it like it was the best thing in the world, but the only thing Peter could think of was the fact that this was going to be the end of him.

"Ned, when I die from embarassment on this field trip all my LEGO sets are yours" he cried out with fake tears.

"You're over reacting. It won't be that bad" MJ glanced over her book.

"Won't be that bad?! Please. Dad is so gonna embarass the living daylight out of my poor soul and the others won't be much better. And when they find out about Flash, Aunt Nat and Uncle Bucky will make sure he won't leave the tower in one piece. Even Uncle Steve won't stop them."

In this moment said Flash decided to interupt them. "You ready to get your lies exposed to everyone Penis? Our whole class will see how pathetic you are!" He walked away with a smirk on his face and high-fived one of his 'friends'.

"Ignore him. He doesn't know what he's talking about" Ned tried to cheer him up.

"I know Ned" Peter send his friend a (hopefully) reasuring smile.

"And that's why you're going on this field trip." Mj said not even looking away from her book. "To prove everyone that you're not lying."

Before Peter could answer the bell rang and everyone started to get up. Mr. Harringtons voice was heard over the noise "Remember to take the permission slips. No slip, no trip. They're due Thursday. The field trip is on Friday. Have a good day!"

Everyone took a slip and then left. It was their last lesson of the day, so they walked towards the exit. When they left the building Peter saw Happy and waved to him. He said bye to his friends and walked to the car. The moment he closed his door he started rmbling about his day.

"-And then Mr. Harrington said that we have a field trip on Friday. Do you know where? To the tower! Oops" Peter slaped his hand over his mouth. He didn't mean to say that. Now Tony would 100% know. "Please Happy, don't tell dad. I beg you!"

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