Hold me | Fluff

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Short fluff
(THIS this is what I want in my life)

It felt comforting, the arms of her lover wrapped around her perfectly as the director laid on her chest. It was moments like this that reminded Yanfei what made her fall in love with the troublemaker.

She was troublesome, but she was also Hu Tao, who was the most enchanting woman in Yanfei's eyes. She ran her fingers lovingly through Hu Tao's brunette hair, wrapping her fingers around the red streaks that hid at the ends of Hu Tao's hair.

The body in her arms felt warm, that being very explanatory her lover did have a pyro vision. It wasn't the type of warm that you'd get from a slightly hot day, but the comfort similar to that of a fireplace.

The moment was perfect, relaxing even. Yanfei had been working all week with a string of divorce cases which resulted in custody cases or lawsuits, custody cases were something she absolutely despised.

But all the stress from the week seemed to evaporate as Hu Tao laid in her arms, all that was on her mind was the funeral director napping on top of her. The legal advisor felt herself getting sleepy, she looked down to give Hu Tao a small kiss on the top of her forehead before moving the hand that had been brushing through the director's hair down to her back, now simply resting it there.

The legal advisor muttered an 'I love you Tao' before falling asleep herself.

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