Change of plans Fluff

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She/they Yanfei canon

Finally done with a rather difficult case, the legal advisor stretched her hands, wincing from the slight pain of writing nonstop for almost 4 hours. But now, finally, all of the paperwork was done, normally she'd be out on the streets of Liyue looking for anyone who might need their help, but that wasn't the case today as they had yet again another messy custody battle which only recently came to an end.

As she made her way out of their office and down the barely lit streets their only goal was to get home, but that's when something caught her eye. An advertisement for a pop-up restaurant caught her eye.

Glancing through the words laid out on the advertisement two words specifically caught her eye, 'free tofu', instantly Yanfei got an idea, making a mental note to visit a certain funeral director in the morning. With that, Yanfei continued on back home, the idea of taking her girlfriend on a date and getting free tofu never left their mind though. 

Maybe it was because it had been a while since Yanfei was able to take her girlfriend out, but as she made her way to the funeral parlor, they could feel the excitement to see their coursing through her veins. It wasn't long before she arrived at her destination, it was early in the morning and the quietness of the funeral parlor seemed oddly relaxing to the half adeptus.

Breaking themselves out of her early morning trance, she gently knocked on the door, there was no telling who would answer, Hu Tao's sleeping schedule was a wreck normally, so Yanfei never could estimate if it would be her, Zhongli or maybe another person employed at the funeral parlor. Still, they waited patiently until the door knob turned, standing on the other side of the door was exactly who Yanfei hoped it would be, while seemingly tied, Hu Tao seemed beyoned excited to see the legal advisor. 

' Yan Yan!' the director practically shouted despite it being early in the morning. 'Tao', the legal advisor muttered, motioning towards the quiet streets, ' I know you're excited to see me but we can't wake anyone up.'

'I haven't seen you all week!' The director dramatically whined, obviously joking to get a reaction from Yanfei. ' Tao you spent the night at my place two nights ago.' How Yanfei loved the director's occasional dramatics.

The director snickered before opening the door all the way to let Yanfei in, making sure the door was firmly locked before turning around to face her lover. ' Why'd you feel the need to meet me so early in the morning, missed me?' The director teased, typical Tao the legal advisor thought to themselves.

' I did miss you, but I also wanted to know if you'd like to go out with me tonight.' Hu Tao stood there for a minute, obviously a tinge of excitement was clear on her face. ' Out to where?' She questioned, taking a quick look at her work schedule before holding a thumb up 'I'm free tonight.' She added on.

' I saw an advertisement for a restaurant, it's a pop up.' Yanfei explained, the thought of free tofu still heavy on her mind. ' Oh Yanyan, are you talking about the one from Mondstadt?'

Yanfei nodded, though a bit shocked that Hu Tao knew about the place and didn't offer it up as a date idea originally. ' Ran by some half cat half human child? Oh Yanyan, I stepped by the place a few days ago, the owner was yelling at a few customers for drinking.'

Now slightly intrigued, the legal advisor waited for Hu Tao to continue. ' Something about how she wants to take down the wine industry, I couldn't help but laugh and then the girl noticed and kicked me out.' 

' I leave you alone for two days and you get kicked out of another place?' Yanfei stared at her girlfriend, giving her the look that let the director know she goofed up. ' You wanted to go for the free tofu, right?' Hu Tao asked, trying to slightly change the subject.

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