The (dead) teen from the alleyway [Part 1]

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"Maybe someday we will be two people meeting again for the first time

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"Maybe someday we will be two people meeting again for the first time."
- Me


"Have you heard the rumors?" A girl asked her friend. "What rumors? Has another drama started?" Her friend asked curiously.

"What? No!" The first girl replied, "About Hanagaki-san!". But her friend was clearly lost, who was this guy? "Hana-who?" She asked.

"Hanagaki Takemichi! Or rather known as Hanagaki-San!" She repeated the same answer from before, "It's about the ghost of boy who wonders in XXXX alleyway." she started to explain. "Rumors say that he was a teen who was murdered in 1950. The rumors say that since then his soul wonders restlessly for the one who killed him. Well at least he used to."

"What happened? He was exorcised or something?" The second girl asked, "Why did he stop wondering? Wha-"

"Let me finish for gods sake!" Her friend interrupted her annoyed, "As I was saying, many people started to go missing in that zone, and days after their disappearance their bodies were found!" She continued her explanation as her friend listened in awe. "So they hired an exorcist to finally finish his soul, but he was way too strong so instead before dying the exorcist sailed him. Now he is a slave for the Magnas and has to conceive a wish to the person who summons him. You can-" but she was once again interrupted by her anxious friend.

"And how do you summon it?" The second girl asked, and her friend replied angrily. "I was gonna say it but our interrupted me, AGAIN."

"Sorry." The annoying friend apologized. The first girl sighed and continue with her explanation. "To summon him you've got to go to the alleyway next to some old apartment in XXXX street, at exactly twelve o'clock, or midnight however you like to call it and say: Hanagaki- San, Hanagaki-san, Hanagaki- san, are you there? That's was what I was told to do."

"Then we should go!" The second girl suggested, but apparently the other girl wasn't so convinced. "No! Are you out of your mind?!" She yelled in response, as if her friend just said something stupid.

"Why not?" The second girl asked, and the other one just sighed. "To make our wish true he has to take something very precious from us, maybe some years of our life, or beauty and things like that, so nope, I not going. I don't want to loose my gorgeous face."

"Nooooo, I thought I might have a chance with Mitsuya-San~" the second girl complained.

"Same girl." The first one replied. "He's so handsome and that he's a true gentleman~ also that he's into sewing."

"That's kinda weird," the second girl said. "Don't women see?"

"Are you stupid?! There are many famous fashion designers that are boys." The first girl said, her friend was unbelievable.

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