|1| I'm just glad Jinora didn't get eaten by a bison

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Jinora ran with Kai to dinner, Korra and Bolin were coming. It was the first time Kai had seen Bolin in weeks, Bolin was busy with his constant career changes. And Kai was working towards his tattoos.

"Air scooter race to the dinner, Nora?" Jinora groaned. "You only want to do that because you always win. You'd never win a foot race."
Kai smirked at her challenge.

"I'll take that bet." The young airbenders sped off. They were all the way by the water, so racing took all their energy.

When they finally got to the dinner Kai was running so fast that he crashed into the door and almost took it straight down.

"OW!" Kai fell to the floor in pain. Jinora burst through the door, giggling. And sat down next to Pema. Kai stumbled in after he stopped seeing lights. "You only won because I ran into the door." Kai sat down between Korra and Bolin, still rubbing his head.

"Exactly. YOU bumped into the door, I did a little thing called opening it-"  Kai laughed before his friend continued,
"Let me have this one Kai, you always win on air scooters." Kai made a face of concession.

"Oh hoo, Jinora got you good, Kai!"  Bolin roughly slapped Kai's shoulder.

"Hey! How come Jinora and Kai get to race inside but we can't?" Meelo banged the table.

"Because Jinora and Kai can manage not to break anything,-''  "and they never use their bending while inside." Pema said and Tenzin continued.

"But since I still don't like racing inside, Kai, why don't you say the blessing?"

Kai nervously smiled.

The blessing was said, and everyone dug into their dinner and began making conversation. "Where is Opal?" Bolin groaned into Kai's shoulder. "She's helping with some baby bison right now, but she'll be here later. Now eat your veggies, Bo."
Kai teased, but of course, Bolin still begrudgingly ate his veggies.

Jinora was in the middle of her steamed tofu when she developed a pounding headache. She dropped her chopsticks and held her hand over her eyes.

"Jinora, are you okay?" Pema asked.

"Yeah, just a headache, I'm fine."


After dinner the group went to the family room. Bolin and Kai played Pai Sho, and Jinora read a book aloud to Korra.

"Meyuki has gotten in trouble with the fire nation many times, but this time-" Jinora interrupted her own book, "I'm sorry, Korra, I can't read this anymore. My headache has gotten worse."

Korra sat up, "that's okay, can I do anything?" She said, putting her hand on Jinora's shoulder. Jinora shook her head and smiled. "Let's just talk instead."  Korra smiled a mischievous smile.

"How are you and Kai doing? You too seem really close."

Jinora's eyes widened. "SSSHH! he's right there! But yes, things are great. Things were good even when he was in the earth kingdom, but now everything is perfect.'' Jinora blushed.

Korra and Jinora turn their heads when hearing a big gasp from Bolin.
"Bolin?" Korra said.

"Young love!" Bolin shouted. "What?!'' Jinora blushed harder, terrified the two boys heard her.

"I just realized you two are reading 'Meyuki and the fire nation' it's my favorite story of young love-"

Jinora gratefully exhaled.

"After you and Kai, of course."

Thankfully Kai stepped in before Jinora had to say a word, A little tornado hit Bolin in the face.

"Shut up, Bo" Kai said. Korra fell over laughing, followed by Bolin. Kai and Jinora thought it was less of a laughing matter.

"Well, Mako will be here soon to take us back to Republic City, we should probably get moving."
Korra said, standing up.

"What about your bison?" Kai pointed out. "She's been sick this week. So, Mako." Korra replied.

"No! We can't go until I see Opal! She'll be here soon!" Bolin shouted while moving his Phi So piece.
"Oh yeah, Opal. She should've been here by now-" Kai stood up, "we can go looking for her if you want." Bolin lit up at Kai's word. "Yes, let's do that."

''You guys wanna come? It'll be a nice nighttime walk." Kai asked.

"I'll go, fresh air might be good for my headache." Jinora finally stood up too.


The group walked to the bison stables, where Opal had been all night. Bolin spotted her instant, she was on the ground in front of a growling bison.

"Hey, hey, hey!'' Jinora and Kai rushed over. Kai carefully moved Opal away, and Jinora ran to calm the bison.

"Shhh, girl, it's okay, sshh" Jinora's words seemed to do the opposite of what intended. The bison only growled louder. But she turned and growled in the direction of Republic City. The other bison, even the newborn babies, joined her.
A whole herd of bison growled at Republic City.

"What's wrong with them?" Bolin asked a shaken Opal. "I don't know, they'd been doing that all night, I assumed they were just being protective." Opal replied.

"Considering they're ALL growling at the city, I don't think they're being protective." Korra added.

"Guys! There's nothing there, it's just the city." Jinora slowly walked to them. "It's okay, there's nothing there, your babies are fine." Jinora said to the mothers.

The growling became louder and some bison started swatting the sky above Jinora's head. "Jinora, walk away slowly." Kai said, extremely concerned.

"No, I think they're trying to protect her." Korra held her hand out to stop Kai from going to his girlfriend- wait girlfriend?

"What's wrong with you guys? I'm fine, everything is fine, ssh shhh." Jinora tried again to no avail.

"Ahh" Jinora fell to the ground, holding her head. "Jinora!" Kai ran past the avatar, he slid on the ground and held her, "Jinora, are you okay?!" It was almost impossible to hear anything over the growls.

"Opal, Bolin, go get Tenzin, now!" Korra said firmly. They quickly followed orders.

Kai grabbed her and walked out from under the bison where it was easier to hear. "Jinora, what's wrong?" Kai lifted her chin. "There's an awful ringing in my ears, it's- ahh- my head is going crazy." Jinora barried her head further to the ground.

"The bison are attacking air. What's happening?" Kai looked up to Korra.

Tenzin, Opal, and Bolin came running back. Tenzin blew his bison whistle and it calmed them down, as much as they could be.

The bison herd stopped their growling and seemed to forget why the did in the first place, and retreated back to their pen.

The dragged Jinora inside to Kya, but she was writhing in pain the entire time. Kya ran to help her nieces head.

"What happened?" Kya asked, urgently.

"We have no idea!" Kai said back.

Jinora's pain slowly eased with Kya's healing and she was finally able to stop clenching her fist. "What on earth just happened?" She sat up and reached for her father's hand.

"I have no clue." Tenzin replied.

"I'm just glad Jinora didn't get eaten by a bison." Bolin said.

A/N: heck of a first chapter, huh? What can I say? I'm a fast burn girl. Find out more next chapter! ❤️❤️❤️

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