|2| I don't remember you being this perfect three years ago

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The whole bison incident was two days past, and ever since Jinora had been feeling very off. She couldn't quite place it- well other than the headache that still hasn't gone away.
Her emotions were on high and there was something different about the energy in the temple, although no on else noticed.

She was starting to get sick of all the secrecy, and coddling. She appreciated it, but she's not a invalid. Everytime she walked into a room, everyone would shut up and suggest she go lay down.

As much as Jinora hated it, they were right. She needed to lay down or she'd constantly be fainting.

She kept running the situation in her head, what happened that night. Why she can't get back to normal over something as relatively small. Jinora was- *knock knock*

"Come in!" Jinora called out. Kai walked in, and it was written all over her face, she was in pain. "Hey, Nora. How are ya?" Kai asked, sitting on her bed.
"I'll be okay, not a big deal-" Jinora replied, "other than I basically haven't been able to leave this room in two days. How is everything?" Jinora slowly sat up while closing her eyes.

"Good, good, the bison are okay again"
Kai said.

"Good! Is there any theory as to what happened there?" Jinora asked, very curious. "Uhm, I think for now we're just calling it a freak accident." Jinora balked. Why would they think that? Whatever that was, it wasn't a crazy chance encounter.

"It can't just be a 'freak accident', something happened." Jinora bitterly replied. "Things like that sometimes just happen, Nora. Their babies were just born, it was dark. Open-shut case?" Kai reasoned.

"No, Kai. I know those bison. I grew up with them, and I've been around many new babies and mothers. They've never done anything like that. And what about that searing pain in my head?" Jinora's tone was rising, totally uncalled for.

"I don't know, Nora. What do you think it was then?" Kai shot back.

"I don't know, but nothing has been the same since. The energy here has been weird lately." Kai scratched his head at her words, "like, spiritual energy?" Kai asked.

"Kinda, it doesn't really feel like negative spiritual energy I've felt before. It just feels...weird. No one else even notices." Jinora said, practically dumping her head in between her knees.

"I'm sorry, Nora. How can I help you?"

"Stop doing that! All of you can help me by stopping the babying! Yes, I'm in pain, yes I could've gotten hurt, but I'm not a kid!" Jinora snapped, and instantly regretted it. Her eyes widened and she began damage control.

"Oh, Kai. I'm so sorry. I don't know where that came from. I really appreciate everything you've done, but it's really unnecessary-" she made a gentle laugh-ish noise, "I just want you to...I just want you." The young couple blushed.

"Nora, I get it. This is pretty bad for you. I just want to help you feel better, because I want you." Kai made his Jinora blush harder.

"Kai? There is one thing you can do."

"Anything for you, Jinora."

"It's kinda a really weird request, but can you kiss my head?"

Kai was red as a tomato, but inside he was ecstatic at this opportunity. He kissed her forehead and let his lips linger for a while. As he stood up to leave, Jinora grabbed his hand and kissed it while looking in his eyes.

Gosh, they were the most beautiful thing the other had ever seen.

"I don't remember you being this perfect three years ago." Jinora whispered before letting go of his hand.


Tenzin had asked Kai and Bumi to help teach a class of newbie airbenders since Jinora was out of order, and he was celebrating his anniversary with Pema. He was flattered but he also wondered how to teach a class he never paid attention in.

As expected, things got a little chaotic.

"And that when I finally said 'No More!' and rescued Hei Yuan from the angry Rabbaroo and--" Bumi was telling one of his far fetched stories, and Kai was starting to understand how Tenzin felt.

"Bumi! Thanks for this wonderful and entertaining story, but we should really get back to the lesson." Kai said, calling all attention to him.

"Well, I thought it was relevant." Bumi pouted and turned away from Kai. Kai slightly rolled his eyes, "okay, so Monk Gyatso was avatar Aangs guardian and basically he-" Kai grimaced, he wasn't good at this.

"Monk Gyatso was avatar Aangs guardian and Airbending master. Monk Gyatso is best known for his work in the western project, where he and other nomads-" Jinora stood in front of the class, Kai sighed in relief.

"Jinora!" Kai exclaimed. His happiness was replaced with a slight concern quickly, Jinora's head was still hurting, she still could hardly stand. But if he said anything she'd just ignore him.

After the class was over and the two were left alone in the classroom, Kai finally voiced his concern.

"So... everything good, Jinora?" Kai asked, leaning against the door. She gave him a slow blink that clearly took the place of an eye roll.
"Yep, just a lingering sense of annoyance." Jinora replied.

"What did Ikki and Meelo do this time?" Kai tried to lighten the mood.
"It's my dad. Ugh, he asked you and Bumi to teach before me. This is what I'm sick of, I can still do things!" Jinora said she was mad at Tenzin, but Kai senses some distaste for him as well.

Jinora winced and held her head. Migraine acting up again.

"He just wants to help. Are you mad at me, Nora?" Kai anxiously rubbed his neck. "No, I'm mad at the world, and you happen to be in it." Kai frowned, he wanted to help, but in his opinion, she was really overreacting.

"Nora, I have a question, and it's not rhetorical. Why is all this such a big deal to you?"  Jinora shrunk at this question.

"I don't know. I don't mean to be this way, but every little thing is just driving me crazy. I nearly took off Meelo's head today-" Jinora sighed before continuing, "like I said earlier, the spiritually energy is so weird, not bad, just weird. I'm starting to wonder if it's affecting me." She said.

Kai was at a loss for words. But he remembered Makos advice that was given when Kai was coming down with a cold, 'feeling off? You need to eat, bathe, or work out' since dinner was approaching he went for eat.

"You might feel better after eating. Let's go to dinner." Jinora smiled and nodded.

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