first flight.

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Hiccups pov.

     "You should get some sleep healing like that can take it's toll on anyone". I said blushing. Us standing in the cove under the stars.

"By all means. Get some rest too". The dreki said laying down.

"My name is hiccup by the way". Hiccup stated matter o factly.

"Hiccup. Is that right?  Toothless asked.

"Yes. It means runt". I said as I layed beside him. Continuing the conversation.

      "You may be small by Viking standards but I think your just adorable hiccup". He admitted.

      I blushed madly. "Why would you think of me like that. I've heard nothing but insults since the day I was born". I dead panned.

      "You smell nice. Your skin is pale yet soft. And your so tiny. Like a lamb". Toothless practically cooed. 

      "Gee thanks". I said. My face tinted red at where the conversation was going. I felt the grass beneath me. The fire warming me slightly.

      "Surely they must not like you for some other reason. Being small is hardly a reason to ostracize a child".

      "I'm 16. I'm hardly what you'd call a child by the Villages standards" I explained. "Wanna know my family's other secret? I asked. 

"As long as we're here sure". Toothless answered. 

      "When I was born. Something was wrong. I was Born with both parts. Another thing only the elder knows. But so does my father the chief of the tribe. And he has taken it out on me more then once". I answered

      "It's probably the hybrid in you that lead to that. I don't think it's right for any sire to bring such pain among their child for such a gift". Toothless admitted.

"Gift? Is that what you called it. My face flushed at the compliment. .

"No one has ever. Called it that.. I puzzled out.

"Well it's about time someone did now didn't they". He replied a cheeky grin his face.

I drifted off slowly. My eyes closing and darkness over taking me. 


     "Good morning cutie. Toothless said. I awoke with a start. My face pressed against something warm. Realization quickly set in that it was in fact Toothless chest.  I jumped back with a Yelp.

What's it's not my fault you snuggle in your sleep apparently. Toothless teased.

Okay that's just mean I said sticking my tongue to him.

Have you ever flown before he asked?

      "Flown.. No. My wings and tail were cut when I was born. They said the scars were injuries from the dragon that took my mother". Hiccup admitted.

      "To be grounded from such a young age... Toothless started Well. In that case, we're going flying. He finished.

We're going flying.? I asked.

"Yes. You healed my fin. Least I can do is take a cute grounded lil hybrid for a flight.

      I.. My heart beat with an excitement that I think I've never felt before. Something so intrinsic to my sense or self. back so soon.
Alright. "What do I do? I asked excitedly.

       "You wanna ride on my back or hang off my shoulders? Toothless asked. A grin on his face.

"I um. I think I'd prefer your ahoulders". I said.

The magic within us all (toothcup runnaway fic magic au) Where stories live. Discover now