If I Could Turn Back Time

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Written by Konnor 

Art by Spider-Knight 

Produced by Draven, Cluver, and Blake

RocketPunk Productions Presents...


Deadpool hits the time travelling watch, and lands back into the present day.

May 18th, 2018. The X-Mansion.

Deadpool comes back from the past, and lands in front of where Yukio and Negasonic Teenage Warhead were sitting, but they're not there.

"Negasonic? Where did you go?" Deadpool asks, as he walks around the basement, he looks over by where they were sitting, and there's no trace of them. He looks everywhere, but he can't find them, he then hears a loud explosion. He runs up the stairs, and into the X-Mansion... No ones there.

He then hears another explosion, with screams following it. He looks out the window, and sees the X-Men (Professor Xavier, Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Rogue, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Yukio, Beast, and Jubilee) fighting Magneto, Sabretooth, Mr. Sinister, Mystique, and Juggernaut.

Deadpool jumps through the window, and lands onto the front lawn, Negasonic Teenage Warhead sees Deadpool, and runs over to him

"Holy shit what the fuck happened?!" Deadpool asks Negasonic

"I don't know, Yukio and I were waiting in the basement for you and then all of these villains showed up, what did you do when you went back?" She asks him

Deadpool realizes what he's done, by going into the past, he has forever changed the outcome of the future.

"Wade. What did you do-" Negasonic gets interrupted, as she is killed by a flying metal beam, thrown by Magneto. the beam hits both of them, and Deadpool and Negasonic go flying through the window that Deadpool had just jumped out of. Deadpool feels her neck to check for a pulse, but her heart isn't beating... Deadpool holds back tears, he's angry. He gets up, covered in the blood of Negasonic and his own blood. He walks out, ready to fight, but then he immediately passes out.


"After I stood up to continue fighting the good fight, Professor Xavier was killed by Mister Sinister, causing a giant wave of energy to be blasted out, killing most of the X-Men around me, and leveling a few city blocks. The following days were a mess, with casualties every hour. Mister Sinister and his forces took over the entire earth. We lost good people during these five years. Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Yukio, Weasel, Colossus, Blind Al, Dopinder, Xavier, Logan, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I lead a group of rebels, fighting every day to try to escape our universe to go to another."

Deadpool, and his good luck charm, Domino, walk through the dystopian wasteland, that used to be known as New York. They walk through the city, sand filling the streets, buildings destroyed. They walk over to a giant crater, and see a large X burned into the ground.

Deadpool and Domino walk through the streets, when they finally see who they're meeting, a truck driving down the road, stops in front of them. Two black SUVs stop behind them, and eight bodyguards walk out. They walk out and open the door on the back of the truck. Deadpool and Domino walk past the bodyguards. Domino stands at the side of the truck, and Deadpool walks in.

"You got what I need?" Deadpool asks the man, the man nods and opens up a stolen crate labeled 'Essex Corporation'. The man opens the crate, and the final piece they need for their multiversal travel machine.

Deadpool: Agent of The IlluminatiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt