Something In The Way

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Times Square, 11:00 PM, Earth-1221919.

Deadpool lands on the ground in times square. "JARVIS, who's my target for this earth?" Deadpool asks JARVIS, but there's no response.

"JARVIS? Are you still there?" Deadpool asks again, but there still isn't a response.

The sky is painted white with lights, giant police blimps are in the sky, looking for someone. He looks around, as he sees the main screen.

"We must not let this scientific sicko get away! Take to the streets, look for Reed Richards.We must not let this menace get away with his crimes. This is Mayor J. Jonah Jameson, signing off." Mayor Jameson says

Deadpool stares at the screen in horror. He then hears something behind him, he turns around and sees an old woman standing next to a police officer, she points at him.

"Who the hell are you?" The cop says, as he points his gun at Deadpool

"Oh shit!" Deadpool says, he turns and runs into the road. He grabs a red moped on the side of the road, and drives away. He flees from the cops. He drives on the highway, with 2 police cars following him. He throws a grenade back behind him, and the two police cars stop, and turn around. Deadpool uses this opportunity to drive into a tunnel off the road of the highway.

He drives down the tunnel for a few seconds, and he drives right into an abandoned subway station. He parks his bike, and looks around. He turns on the emergency power for the subway, and begins setting up camp there. He finds an old laptop in the subway, and turns it on.

He catches up on what has happened. This universe's Reed Richards was driven insane by his incident that gave him his powers. He killed Susan Storm, Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, and Victor Von Doom. He then went on the run. This incident fuelled the anti-metahuman mayoral campaign of J. Jonah Jameson. Once Jameson won, he outlawed metahumans in New York, and captured all of the active superheroes in the area.

Deadpool checks his comm-link device, and sees that there's only one piece that's malfunctioning, so he begins his search for the part...


Deadpool perches on top of a building, looking at a club below. He is wearing a brand new armor-plated suit, he looks down, and gets ready to infiltrate the club.

"February 13th. My buyer is meeting me at The Bar With No Name. I've had to adapt to this more... noir world. The police can spot me easily in the red spandex, so I've layered my suit with armor. One work week of nights has turned me into a nocturnal animal, I sit in the shadows.. watching, waiting, for my time to strike." Deadpool monologues to himself. He leaps off of the building, and uses his wing-suit to glide onto the ground. He walks up to the door, and stands in front of the two guards.

"Who are you? You're not on the list." One of the guards asks him

Deadpool looks at them, menacingly

"...Okay you can just go in." He says

Deadpool walks into the club, there's yellow and pink lights painting the room, with music blaring. Deadpool walks through the bar, and into the back, where there sits a booth in the corner. Deadpool walks up to it, and there's only three people sitting there, a man in his mid-fifties, and two identical looking bodyguards.

"Tony, sorry I'm late. Traffic held me up." Deadpool says to Tony Stark

"That's fine. You got the money?" Tony replies

Deadpool pulls out a suitcase, and hands it to him. Tony opens it and sees the money, he smirks.

"Thanks, here's your part, kid." Tony says as he tosses Deadpool the piece he needs. Deadpool presses a few buttons on his gauntlet, and walks over to the bar. He flags the bartender, and the bartender walks over.

"Vesper, neat." Deadpool says

The bartender nods, and grabs him a drink. Deadpool pulls up his mask, and downs the drink. Then, he walks out of the bar and gets on his bike.

Tony takes out a stack of money, and sees that it's not real. He gets furious.

"Go get my part back." Tony commands his guards. The two bodyguards get up, and rip off their skin, revealing that they're actually Stark robots. They run out of the bar, and lift off into the air, and start chasing Deadpool.

Deadpool looks behind, and sees them.

"Oh you gotta be shitting me." Deadpool says as he drifts, he gets off his bike, and pulls out his swords.

Deadpool leaps into the air, and stabs one of them through the head, immediately disabling it. The other one shoots Deadpool with it's repulsors, blasting him back a little. He gets up and takes out one of his guns, which he uses to shoot the robot in the arm, disabling it. Deadpool then cuts off the other arm with his katana, and rips out the arc-reactor in it's core, killing it.

Deadpool wipes some of the oil off of his hands, picks up his weapons, and gets back on his bike. Like nothing happened. Deadpool drives down the highway, and off into the subway tunnel. He drives into his base in the abandoned subway station, and parks his modified moped on the side. He gets out, and takes some of his armor off .

He walks over to his workbench, where some prototypes of his new armor lie, and takes them off, and sets down his transmitter. He moves his light over, and shines it on the transmitter. He puts the piece in, and it flickers to life.

"JARVIS? You there?" Deadpool whispers into the dead air

"Hello sir." JARVIS says

"JARVIS... I'm so happy to hear you... I need you to find Reed Richards of this Earth." Deadpool says to JARVIS

"Alright sir, It'll take a few ours to pinpoint where he is." JARVIS replies

"Okay, I gotta go do something anyways so that's fine." Deadpool says. He grabs his weapons, and opens a portal in front of him.

Earth-838, The Illuminati Facility, 9:30 PM.

Deadpool stumbles through a portal, and into the Illuminati Infirmary room. He walks through the hallways of the Illuminati until he finally finds a doctor.

"Hey, Doctor..." Deadpool says, he looks at her name tag

"Palmer. Could you help me with something?" Deadpool says

"Sure, what do you need?" Doctor Palmer asks

"I need to talk to someone." Deadpool says

30 Minutes Later.

Deadpool sits in a dimly lit room, alone, waiting. The door opens, and two of the Iron Legion bots escort an Illuminati Prisoner into the room.

"Wade... Wilson... I knew you'd ask for my help." The Prisoner says

Deadpool looks angry, but he knows he needs this man's help.

The Prisoner sits down in the chair opposite him, and looks him dead in the eyes. The lights turn on, to reveal who the prisoner is... It's Wade Wilson. From Earth-12101

"Let's just get this over with." Deadpool says

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