Contest of The Champions

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6:00 AM, New York City, Earth-122114239

Deadpool lands in a desert, formerly known as New York. He looks around, confused.

"Who's my target for this earth?" Deadpool asks JARVIS

"Your target is Bruce Banner." JARVIS tells Deadpool

"Oh. This'll be fun." Deadpool says, sarcastically.

He hears something, and turns around. He sees someone, standing in the distance.

"Hey man! Who the fuck are you?" Deadpool yells over to them.

The person begins walking over to Deadpool slowly, then they start to pick up speed, and suddenly they're sprinting at Deadpool. Deadpool pulls out his katanas, and gets ready to duel with whoever is ahead of him. Deadpool finally realizes who it is... It's him.

The other Deadpool has almost the same color scheme and costume as Deadpool, but the colors are inverted. Inverted Deadpool throws a katana at Deadpool, and it stabs him right in the head, Deadpool's eyes slowly close, as Inverted Deadpool stands over him.

A Few Hours Later...

Deadpool's eyes snap open, he's in a lab. He has his suit on, but he's missing his Multiversal Watch. Two men in green armor walk over to Deadpool, and drag him up. Deadpool is brought to a throne room. He's thrown on the ground, and looks up to see The Hulk sitting on this throne. But The Hulk looks different, he has no hair, and a big white beard.

"Did I land in the universe where Hulk became Santa Claus?" Deadpool jokingly asks, but he's punched in the face by one of the guards.

"So, you're Wade Wilson, of another earth. Why are you here?" Maestro Hulk asks him

"None of your fucking business." Deadpool says

"Alright. Well, since I already have one of you working with me, I might as well try to make a profit off of you." Maestro says

"Wait, what do you mean make a profit off of me?" Deadpool asks him

"Take him to the cell." Maestro commands his guards.

"No, wait!" Deadpool says, before he's dragged off by the guards.

The two guards drag him into an elevator. The doors close, and they start going down. Deadpool stands up, and cracks his neck.

"So, before we get started... Does anyone wanna get out?" Deadpool says

He jumps up in the air, and kicks both of them in the face at once. But when he lands he is immediately pinned against the wall by one of the guards. The other guard pulls out a baton, and smashes Deadpool's face with it, knocking him out, and putting an end to this brief scuffle.

The elevator doors open, and the two guards drag Deadpool's unconscious body through the hallway. They finally make it to their destination, and throw Deadpool into a prison cell marked "Fighters."

Deadpool wakes up a few hours later, and immidiately gets up.

"Where the fuck am I?" Deadpool asks the group of people who are also in the cell

"You're in Maestro's gladiator arena." A voice says

"Who the fuck are you?" Deadpool asks

The man steps out of the shadows

"I'm Marc Spector." Marc says, he's wearing a very damaged version of the Moon Knight costume

"Who else is here?" Deadpool asks

Peter Parker walks out, he has an armored costume on. The armor has a few cracks in it, and his mask is ripped.

"My name is Peter Parker. I've been here for five months now." Peter says

Deadpool: Agent of The IlluminatiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang