Rock Bottom

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The Pit, 5:32 PM.

Deadpool, Daredevil, and Spider-Man get tossed in the pit. In there are other heroes; Sam Wilson, Korg, X-23, Scott Lang, Amadeus Cho, Natasha Romanoff, Peter Quill, and many more.

Deadpool sits down, accepting his fate. There's a single pineapple sitting next to him, he picks it up and throws it away. He looks to his left, and sees a female version of Cable.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like Keira Knightley?" Deadpool asks her

She looks at him, with a look of total disgust.

Korg comes and sits next to him.

"So, what are you doing here?" Korg asks

"Well, I killed the person I was supposed to kill, so they tossed me and my friends in here." Deadpool says

"Ah.. That sucks, man." Korg says

Deadpool leans back against the wall, and looks up at the sky.

"You know, I once tried to incite a revolution in this place, but I didn't print enough pamphlets, so no one really joined me." Korg says

Deadpool has a eureka moment

"You beautiful rock bastard, thank you." Deadpool says, he hugs Korg, and stands up on a big rock, facing everyone in the pit.

"Could I have your attention please, everybody!" Deadpool says, everyone turns to him

"Long, have we waited here. And for what? To die? No.. We must stand against Maestro, and his shitty government! We need to take earth back, and reform it to the way it was before. We need to look death right in the eye, and say no, not today. Who's with me!?" Deadpool yells

A silence befalls the pit. Sam Wilson steps forward.

"I'm with you." Sam says

Korg stands up. and steps forward

"I'm with ya." Korg says

Everyone steps forward, and raises their hand in solidarity.

Deadpool smiles beneath the mask

"Let's go get that son of a bitch." He says

"How are we supposed to get out of here?" Scott Lang asks

"Well, I bet Amadeus could probably throw us each up there." Deadpool says

No one can think of a better idea, so they go with it, and Amadeus Cho throws each person up, one by one. Once they are all above the pit, they stand a big huddle formation.

"Alright, so here's the plan. We overwhelm the guards, and make it to the armory, once we're at the armory, we grab our weapons. Daredevil, Spider-Man, and I will go for Maestro himself. While Sam will lead the rest of you guys to freedom." Deadpool says

The huddle breaks apart, and the group of 30+ heroes run down the halls of the palace, trampling every guard they see. They finally make it to the armory, and begin collecting each of their weapons.

Deadpool walks over to the wall, and grabs his normal weapons, plus he also grabs his multiversal watch, and one of Iron Man's gauntlets.

He sees Captain America's shield on the wall, and grabs it. He walks over to Sam, and hands it to him.

"Steve would've wanted you to have it." Deadpool says

Sam smiles, and gives Deadpool a hug

"Good luck, Deadpool." Sam says

"Good luck, Captain America. Go have fun with Bucky." Deadpool says

The two part ways, with Captain America leading the resistance out the door, and Deadpool, Daredevil, and Spider-Man walking up the stairs to go fight Maestro.

Maestro and Howard sit in his living room, watching security cam footage of Team Red making it up the stairs.

Maestro presses a button on his computer, and the doors are locked, and a metal shield gets put in front of them. They finally make it to the door, and Deadpool uses his repulsor gauntlet to burn right through the door. He kicks it down, and they walk through.

"Time to take out the trash." Deadpool says

Deadpool immediately pulls out his gun and shoots Howard The Duck right in the head, blowing his head clean off. Maestro leaps towards Deadpool, and slams him against the wall. Spider-Man pulls Maestro off of Deadpool, and Spider-Man punches him in the face. Daredevil slides right under Maestro and ties his billy clubs around his legs, tripping him.

Deadpool stands over him

"Any last words?" Deadpool says

Maestro grabs Deadpool, and throws him into the wall. He picks up Daredevil and Spider-Man, and smashes them against the ground.

"STOP!" Deadpool yells

Maestro turns to him

"You know what I realized?" Deadpool asks Maestro

"What?" Maestro says

"You might be big, and strong, but you have a weakness we all do." Deadpool says, he taps his watch, and a portal opens under Maestro, and he falls into it. He's taken to a universe where the earth is seconds away from being eaten by Galactus

"You can't live if you're eaten." Deadpool says

Maestro lands on the streets of another New York, he looks up, and sees Galactus

"Oh.. Oh no..." Maestro says, a single tear falls down his face, and he's killed by Galactus

He walks over to Daredevil and Spider-Man and helps them up.

"Are you okay?" Deadpool asks them

Spider-Man looks at Daredevil

"Yeah, I think we'll be okay. Good luck on your mission, Deadpool." Daredevil says

"Good luck on rebuilding society. Tell Sam I said hello." Deadpool says

He turns around, and opens a portal to the next universe. He waves, and then walks through.

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