It's Morbin' Time

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New York City, 9:00 PM, Earth-TRN688

Deadpool walks through a portal, into a universe that's much like the 616 universe, but a lot worse in terms of writing and direction. He walks onto the street and looks around.

"Oh god, please don't tell me I'm in the Sony Universe..." Deadpool says, horrified.

Deadpool walks around, and opens his communicator

"JARVIS, who's my target?" He says, crossing his fingers.

"Your target for this universe, is Doctor Michael Morbius." JARVIS says

"I fucking hate my life." Deadpool says, tired and mad.

A Random Warehouse, 9:32 PM

Morbius, Vulture, and Kraven sit in the warehouse, in front of a big piece of poster board that's taped to the wall.

"Tonight, we kill the Spider." Vulture says, they've set up a plan for how to catch and kill Spider-Man

They hear a window break, and someone scream.

"I'll go investigate it, you guys keep talking." Kraven says to them

He grabs his spear, and walks over, looking around.

Deadpool leaps out of the shadows, with his katanas in-hand, and tackles Kraven to the ground. He goes to stab Kraven, but Kraven kicks Deadpool off of him and stabs him through the chest with his spear. He rams Deadpool into the wall, with his spear almost through Deadpool.

"Look man, I'm not here to kill ya. You have at least one to two more sequels that no one wants." Deadpool says, he kicks Kraven back, and pulls the spear out of him.

He uses the blunt end and hits Kraven with it, knocking him out.

"You didn't see that coming." Deadpool mutters.

Vulture and Morbius turn around, and see Deadpool walking away from Kraven's unconscious body.

"Who the fuck are you?" Vulture asks Deadpool. Deadpool picks up a lead pipe on the ground, considering it's the only non-deadly weapon near him.

"I'm Batman." Deadpool says, doing his best Michael Keaton impression

Morbius lifts off of the ground with a swarm of bats, and flies over to Deadpool. Deadpool hits him across the face with the rusty pipe, knocking a few teeth out of Morbius' mouth. Morbius then bites Deadpool.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, man?" Deadpool says, he pushes Morbius off of him, and grabs his knife. He cuts his hand off, so the Vampire infection won't spread.

He jams his knife right into Morbius' shoulder, and throws him into the wall. A few bats come out of nowhere, and try to eat Deadpool.

Deadpool shoots all of the bats, right as Morbius gets up, takes the knife out of his shoulder, and throws it right at Deadpool's face. Deadpool dodges it, and it goes right into the wall. Deadpool pulls out both of his swords, and stabs Morbius in the chest with them. He's about to finish Morbius off with his gun, but Vulture picks him up by his shoulders and drags him in the sky.

Deadpool pulls out his rusty pipe, and smashes Vulture's knee with it, throwing him off his rhythm. Deadpool crawls up Vulture, and rips his helmet off. Then, Deadpool grabs one of his swords, and stabs Vulture's wing-suit with it, disabling his wings. Vulture and Deadpool start plummeting, but before they hit the ground, Deadpool opens a portal to another universe...

9:12 PM, Ravencroft, Earth-616.

Deadpool and Vulture land in a prison cell.

"Sorry man, have to clean up the timelines a bit. Have fun with Tom Holland!" Deadpool says, he punches Vulture in the face, and jumps back through the portal, going back to Earth-TRN688.

He walks over to Morbius' body, and unloads five clips into his head.

"Just making sure we don't get 2bius." Deadpool says

Deadpool finally stops

"So, JARVIS... What's my final target." Deadpool asks JARVIS

"Mr. Wilson, your final target is... you. From Earth-" JARVIS gets cut off

"Oh no... Oh god please no." Deadpool says, he opens up one final portal, and walks through it.

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