6 | Team X

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@mizuno.m/n After hours of wandering, I finally found the training room.
Liked by itoshi_sae, nagiluvschoki, shidouisontop69, and 40,973 others

mizuno.m/n @nagiluvschoki how did you get your phone??
  ||nagiluvschoki @mizuno.m/n don't worry about it.
    ||mikagereo @mizuno.m/n he threatened ego.
      ||mizuno.m/n @mikagereo 😨

Once (M/N) left his two friends, he went to the bleachers. He was excited to see both teams play. He wanted to learn how their play styles differed from his.

Team Z's match against Team X had begun.

Isagi was feeling tremendous pressure. This was his first match with his new team, and he would be playing as a forward.

Bachira noticed his friend's nervousness, "You scared, Isagi?" He grinned, "Let's have fun, and make (M/N) proud! Otherwise, we'll lose. That's how soccer is."

Isagi nodded, "Right." Once he got the ball, he thought, 'He's right. There's no need to be scared. My rank is 274. I'm rock bottom. I just need to play. . . And climb up the ranks.'

As he was about to go forward, someone had stolen the ball. It was his teammate, the one who always yelled. Raichi. "Hey! What are you doing, Raichi?"

The blonde male turned to face Isagi, "The rules say the top scorer goes through, right? I don't care about the team. I'm doin' this my way."

Raichi had been distracted. Kunigami had stolen the ball, "Now you're talking, Raichi." Kunigami faced both boys, "If that's how it works here, I'll make no bones about playing for myself."

Raichi smirked at Kunigami hard, "Kunigami, I think we're gonna get along just fine."

The other boys from Team Z began to launch themselves forward, trying to get the ball for themselves. As they argued about who should have the ball, a Team X member stole it from all of them. But it wasn't long before their teammate stole the ball from him.

It was utter chaos on the field, neither team had teamwork. (M/N) watched with a bored expression. He thought to himself, 'How. . . Disappointing.'

Isagi looked around the field, "They're all only thinking about themselves'. The boy stared at the group of boys fighting for the ball when suddenly someone broke the group and stole the ball.

(M/N) began to watch intently at the male who had appeared out of nowhere. He was now intrigued, the game had gotten interesting.

The mysterious male spoke to Isagi, "Don't stand in my way. Or I'll kill you."

Isagi was dead set on stopping the male but he got juked. The guy was on another level, at least for Isagi he was. "I'm sorry, Kuon! He's heading your way!"

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