Can Anybody Find Me Somebody to Love (Three Cheers Frank)

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"Come on, (Y/N), we're going to be late!" (B/F/N) yells as I run through our apartment, rushing to get ready for my job interview. They catch me by the shoulder and tell me to calm down, their pale nose in my face.

"I am calm! I'm just... excited, I guess." I say, rubbing my nose with my knuckles. My outfit was probably not the best thing to wear to a job interview; black skinny jeans, black and white striped undershirt, Jareth (from Labyrinth with David Bowie) as an owl t-shirt, black combat boots, heavy eyeliner, my messy hair slightly brushed, and silicone rings and necklaces all over. "Do I have to change?" I ask as I turn to (B/F/N).

"Dude, don't change anything about you except for maybe the amount of glitter you've got on your face. Maybe wear less black, too. You're going to a job interview, not a contest for who looks the most emo." They say, giving me a playful shove.

After about an hour, I get in the car with them, sipping a cup of tea. (Or coffee, if you swing that Way.) They turn on their radio and Green Day starts playing. I bop to the radio, singing along quietly as we drive through the streets of Jersey. Eventually, we pull up to an old-style restaurant with a few cars parked outside. The sign is so faded and old that I can't read what it said, but I figure it's just for design. I'm very wrong. When I walk into the restaurant, there's almost no one except for the workers, and the smell of year-old whiskey and beer fills my nostrils to the brim. I walk over to the counter and look at the uninterested boy.

"I'm here for the job interview with a..." I pull the e-mail up. "Mr. Frank Iero?" The man stiffens and stands up straight, adjusting his shirt. He looks nervous, like I had said something wrong. He beckons me to follow him and he leads me through a set of swinging door into the back of the restaurant. He knocks on a door, and a muffled voice floats through the door.

"Come on in." Was that the man who I'm interviewing with? His voice sounds hot. Like, really hot. The boy who led me here (I later learn his name is Miles), opens the door and smiles at me when I walk in. I sit at the desk in front of the man named Frank and take in his appearence; hazel eyes, more on the darker side, messy brown hair, a tattoo of a scorpion on his neck, and a lip and nose piercing. His 12 mm gauges catch me by surprise, and I stare at them, my face growing hot.

This man is my future boss, I can't be in love with him. I think, trying to focus my attention elsewhere. I chalk the feeling up to nerves and the interview starts. He asks me a few questions about how I perform in work environments under a lot of pressure and how I respond to other people, and then he gives me some scenarios. At the end, he says I have responded well and gives me a handshake, asking if I could start Monday. I nod and shake his hand, excited to start.

"Oh, (Y/N), before you go, I have a question." He says as I head out to the main area. I turn and he says, "Do you think... you might want to go out with me?" I turn red and nod my head, surprised he wants to go out with me of all people. You would think that he has a wife or husband, but apparently not. (A/N: I love Jamia, but she doesn't exist in any of these timelines unless she serves the role of his ex-wife or the reader's best friend.) We swap digits and I leave the restaurant giddily.


Around 6:00, I hear a knock on my door. I open it and see Frank standing in the doorway with a bouquet of purple roses. He hands them to me and awkwardly leans in to kiss my cheek. I accidentally turn my head to ask him a question, and his lips meet mine. We freeze for a minute before engaging in a full kiss, my power-bottomness taking over. I ram him into the wall, causing him to let out a gutteral moan against my lips. As we kiss, I run my hands over his back and through his hair, giggling at his reactions. He pulls me to my knees so I'm level with him, and he gets right up on me as we kiss.

"This is the weirdest date ever.." I mumble as we kiss. He admits that it's no longer a date and we spend the night kissing, falling asleep together on the couch and cuddling for hours.

Frank Iero x male reader oneshots/imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now