Chapter 2: Unstoppable

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"They put him in diapers!" Oliver tried his best to look serious and sad as Iyad and Abdel, but deep down he was jumping for joy "No.1. No. 1. No.1 That's what they'll call me"

Meanwhile, Iyad just sat at his seat with his hands on his head, trying to not feel weird wearing the thick crinkly diaper they gave him at the hospital. His shorts barely hid the bulging in his crotch.

"Don't worry, we will figure this out" said Abdel, trying to spark some hope in this seemingly depressing car ride home.

"They ran every test... We paid for the best medical team possible, we saw 4 different doctors, we've been there for almost 24 hours, and they found nothing wrong" Iyad was pissed, quite literally. He didn't even feel the need to go, piss just came out of him every several minutes and that's not even the worst part. Pissing himself was barely noticeable, compared to shitting himself. The first thing he'd notice is the smell and some farts, and then, game over, his anus would start unloading shit without any input from him whatsoever. In the hospital, he just ran and hid in the stall until it was over, what the fuck was he supposed to do during a game!?

"It's hard, I know," Said Abdel. "We did find something, son. They found out the problem is probably not neurological and they have a strong suspicion it's in the nervous system. The doctors were very kind to us and gave us A+ treatment - it's much more than most people get in the hospital. They gave you exercises to do and we have an appointment with a chiropractor next week, stay hopeful. The gods will provide, I'm sure of this" Abdel was always calm and collected. He never got angry, even when upset, he approached things rationally.

"Easy to say this when you're not shitting your pants" Iyad commented, spitting with anger.

"Even if it was me, I would have said the same. Giving yourself to anger just leads to more despair. It's not a positive experience, looking at the bright side is not bright enough, but you must do what you must do, and anger won't assist you"

"If he knew it was me who'd done this, would he still feel this way?" Oliver thought to himself, starting to feel anxious. "Abdel paid for the top doctors you can buy with money, they might know something that Geoff doesn't" He stayed quiet, but his heart raced.

Iyad was silent the entire trip after that. His father's words didn't calm him but gave him some food for thought.


Iyad woke up at 4:00 AM, his dreams were interrupted by a vicious smell. Then he remembered. He's in diapers, and...he shat himself in his sleep. The disgusting mess was everywhere, his ass, balls, and even some of his lower back were covered in poop. His thick diaper wasn't thick enough and leaked everywhere, his sheets were soiled and damp. "I'm so tired...Why is my body stupid!?" he said.

Hazzingly he managed to clean his bed and change to a new diaper. "Please let this one make it through the night. Damn, I should have thought about protective sheets..."

He still woke up in the morning with a heavy soggy diaper and some wet spots around his crotch. "Why even bother?" He showered and looked at his naked body in the mirror, examining his muscles and chiseled body "And now, to the ugly part" He diapered himself standing the same way the nurse showed him, trying to make it look as best as he can "I guess I can make everything look sexy with this body" he tried to find a positive outlook on this situation and then remembered that those diapers weren't just for show as liquid spurted from his dick into the absorbent lining beneath it.

Excuse after excuse. He called everyone he knew and canceled every in-person plan or meeting. The hardest were practices with his team, he knew they counted on him. Even though they weren't close personally, on the field, they were brothers in blood.

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