Chapter 3: Father's Love ft Rival's Jealousy

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"So how long have you been incontinent?" The psychiatric Dr. Lauren said. After a long discussion of past experiences with Iyad, she felt it was time to touch on the current issues. Even though it was their first time meeting, she felt a very good connection with Iyad.

"A month I think. Maybe a couple of days more" Iyad answered. This conversation was tough for him, he never told anyone some of the things he shared with the Dr, they were too painful to put into words. She made him feel it was okay to share, her demeanor was inviting and kind, even if her office looked weird. It was designed like a pediatrician's office with baby blue walls and pictures of smiling suns and stars.

"I see." She said and scribbled something in her notes "Have you been tested? Do they have any idea what happened to you?"

"..." Iyad was quiet. Even though he managed to get through the days with this condition, the fact the doctors couldn't solve it was depressing "They have no clue. They checked every relevant part of me. One doctor even suggested I was making this up"

"Sounds like a terrible experience" She set her notes aside. "I don't want to sound too cliche, but how did it make you feel?"

"The only thing I want is a lead, some info or anything. Even though I manage pretty well, I don't want to be like this forever..." Iyad said. Talking about it made him feel extra aware that he was diapered. He was already pretty wet, he knew he'd probably need to change soon.

"Well, I think it's time to talk about what we can do here to help you," She said. "It's not a guarantee but according to everything you told me today, I believe the problem may be psychological. Due to stress, anxiety, or both. Some people that had traumatic experiences like you, sometimes develop medical symptoms. Incontinence is actually quite common in this kind of situation"

"Really? So can you help make it go away?"

"I can try my best. It's not a magic solution, you need to work" She said and sighed

"I will do anything," Iyad said, feeling more piss drip into his diaper.

"We use unconventional yet effective means to tackle those issues. We use age regression techniques to make people re-live their childhood from scratch, in a more healthy and supervised way. Considering the awful things that happened to you in your youth and the fact that your body already made itself un-potty trained, I think this kind of treatment is a good option for you"

Iyad had a tough time finding faults in her reasoning. His hope that this treatment would heal him masked the embarrassment of considering going back mentally to a younger age.

"How much younger will I be? How does it even work?" Iyad asked. He wasn't 100% convinced yet but wanted to hear more.

"Well...Taking the incontinence problem into account, I think that a potty training age will be appropriate. I think 3 years old is a good option" She answered, trying to examine Iyad's facial expression and reaction to her suggestion

"Oh. That's, like, a toddler! I'll think like a 3-year-old??" The thought made him gag a bit

"It's not how our hypnosis works" She explained "You see, every second you make choices even if you don't notice those choices. You wake up in the morning, and you have a choice, to act like an adult or to act like a kid. Society imprints this adult behavior on us and makes us not notice those little choices anymore. Our hypnosis makes the patients more inclined to choose acting the proposed age, but it's still completely their choice to do so."

"So if I don't want to act like a child, this won't work?" Iyad was more interested now. There's no way in hell he wanted to be 3 years old.

"Exactly. In those cases, we reexamine the suggested age and try again, or let go. It's not for everyone, we acknowledge that" She sounded rational

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