Chapter 5

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Rushing down the sidewalk towards the beach, Makoto couldn't have felt more motivated. School had seemed to drag on forever. He reached the spot he and Haru had agreed on meeting at and peered out into the ocean. He couldn't see anyone out there. "I probably just got here before him. I hope he isn't too mad about yesterday." Makoto slowly made his way over to a rock sticking out of the water and climbed on top of it. Surely his friend would be able to see him now. The rock was warm to the touch, and it felt quite relaxing.

Almost an hour and a half had passed, and Haru hadn't shown up. Makoto was getting worried. Had something happened? Had he abandoned Makoto because of yesterday? Makoto fretted. His legs felt stiff from staying in a sitting position for so long, so he slipped into the water and swam out a bit more. Still, nothing. He started losing hope.

Suddenly, he felt something brush against his leg. He had no time to react before he was suddenly dragged underwater. He yelped and held his breath, straining his eyes to see what was going on. The salt water stung, and everything was blurry. He couldn't see anything and swam back to the surface. He gasped and rubbed away the water from his eyes. When he opened his eyes, Haru was in front of him, looking a little bit grumpy. "H-Haru!" Makoto exclaimed, relieved his friend was okay.

"Where were you yesterday? I was waiting for you for what seemed like forever, and I was almost caught by a pair of humans that had walked into the area," he pouted. "I-I thought you left me and weren't coming back.."

"O-Of course not! I'm so sorry! What happened was, I wanted to come to the beach yesterday but I ended up having to look after my brother and sister while my parents were out. I couldn't leave them alone. I would never abandon you, Haru, you're my best friend!" Makoto worriedly explained, not even realizing what he was saying until after he had said it. His cheeks heated up and he adverted his gaze. Haruka blinked, and tilted his head.

"Best friend?" he asked.

"I-It means I think you're one of my closest friends," he mumbled shyly.

"Though I only have one friend, you are my best friend as well," the merman replied. Makoto looked back to him and smiled. He felt butterflies flood his stomach.

"Thanks, Haru. Oh, by the way, don't freak out, but I was wondering if you'd be okay if I introduced you to two of my good friends..?" Makoto asked, bracing himself for utter rejection. Haru stared at him for a moment.

"What are they like?" he asked.

"O-Oh, uh.. okay, my friend Nagisa is a bit loud and spastic sometimes, but he is a good guy. As for my friend Rei, he is more elegant and mannered. Nagisa would find you really cool, and Rei would find you beautiful."

"..If you think they are trustworthy and will keep my existence a secret, I will put my faith in you. I am willing to meet them," Haru decided.

"R-Really?! I promise they are super trustworthy, okay? Like, I wouldn't have even fathomed the idea if I didn't think it was safe." Haruka nodded. Makoto smiled and looked up at the sun. It was starting to set. "Hm.. Haru, I think I have to go.." Makoto sighed. "I wish you would've come sooner so we could've hung out longer, but that's probably my fault." Haru shook his head.

"I was there, but I was a little bit upset so.."

"Are you serious? Haruuuuuu..." Makoto whined. "You didn't have to make me wait that long.. no, no, I probably made you wait for a while yesterday. Consider us even, alright?" Haru flashed him a rare smile and saw him off. "See ya tomorrow, Haru-chan!" Makoto exclaimed and ran off.


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