Chapter 6

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The next day, Makoto excitedly told Nagisa and Rei that they could meet Haru. He wondered if he should tell them beforehand that he is a merman or leave it to be a surprise. "Now, he's reaaaaally shy, and would prefer it if you didn't go around talking about him, alright?" Rei and Nagisa nodded in understanding. As soon as school ended, the three set off for the beach. "We have this meeting spot out by that part of the beach that no one really goes to," Makoto explained.

"The one where all the couples go to?" Nagisa asked.

"Y-Yeah, that'd be the one.." Makoto stammered. He'd completely forgotten about that. He shook his head to clear his senses and sped up to lead the way. They soon arrived at the beach. "Alright, so we usually meet by that rock out there," Makoto explained and pointed towards the rock he'd spent an hour and a half sitting on the day before to wait for Haru.

"This seems pretty complex for just meeting up with a friend.." Rei commented.

"Yeah.. but it's kinda the only option. You'll understand why after you meet him." The trio waded out into the water and waited. Only three minutes had passed when suddenly Makoto was dragged underwater, like he had been yesterday. He felt something warm cling to his back and he immediately knew it was Haru. Makoto turned and looked down at him, seeming to signal, 'are you ready?' Haru nodded and Makoto swam back up to the surface.

"A-Alright guys, I want you to meet.. Haruka." Haru poked his head out from behind Makoto shyly and stared at a shorter boy with blonde hair and a tall boy with blueish hair.

"Hello there!" Nagisa exclaimed.

"Nice to meet you," Rei greeted. Haru looked up at Makoto. He looked back down at him and smiled. Haru felt a burst of confidence and swam out from behind Makoto. "Haru, meet Nagisa and Rei."

Haru nodded and stared at the two. "Hello." Since he was mostly submerged in water, no one except for Makoto knew of his true species.

"Mako-chan's been talking about you at school! We were so excited when he told us you'd let us meet you!" Nagisa exclaimed, swimming up to Haru.

"We also heard that you enjoy swimming," Rei commented, swimming up beside Nagisa. Haru nodded, feeling slightly uncomfortable. He had never had this many humans close to him before. Makoto put a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you want to tell them or should I?"

"..Not now."


The four boys swam and talked for quite a while. Haru found that Nagisa and Rei didn't seem like bad people, and that he could trust them.

"Hey, I'm getting a bit tired and my hands are all shriveled up! They look like my grandma's hands!" Nagisa laughed. "How about we all go to get some food?"

Makoto and Haru looked at each other and Makoto let out a chuckle of embarrassment. "Well.. he can't."

"Aww, why not?!" Nagisa whined.

"It's the same reason why we had to meet him out here.. uh, y'see.. Haru here is.."

"I'm not a human." Haru spoke up. Nagisa and Rei turned to him with a confused look. "I'm a merman. I don't have legs."

"You're joking, right?" Rei asked.

Makoto picked Haru up bridal style and showed him to the two. "He's not kidding." Haru sighed, and just for show, he wiggled his tail a few times. Nagisa and Rei stared in disbelief. About thirty seconds went by before Nagisa spoke up.

"Woah, that's sooo cool!"

"It goes against logic, but I am truly amazed," Rei agreed.

Makoto chuckled and gently set Haru back into the water. "Yeah, isn't he amazing? You guys have to promise to not tell anyone about him, alright? Please? I trusted you guys enough to show you him and Haru has put his faith in my judgement." After some thinking, they both nodded.

"I won't tell a soul!" Nagisa proclaimed and held up his hand to his mouth to make a locking motion. Rei nodded again at Nagisa's words.

"You have our word."

Makoto and Haru sighed in relief. "Thank you two so much." After bidding each other farewell, the land-dwellers watched Haru swim away and then headed home, eventually parting ways. Once Makoto arrived home, he was greeted with his parents asking him where on earth he had been. "I was at the beach with Nagisa and Rei.." Makoto explained.

"You've been spending an awful lot of time at the ocean lately.. what are you doing?"

"Just.. practicing swimming with my friends!" They both looked at him with suspicion in their eyes but didn't reply.

"Well, you almost missed dinner. Go get your homework done," his mother sighed. Makoto nodded anxiously and quickly made his way into his room. He crashed on his bed with a sigh of mixed relief and annoyance. He didn't want his parents to find out about Haru because there's no telling what they would do. He wanted to keep his friend safe. He did his regular routine of the evening and went to sleep.

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