Chapter 2

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"Rain was falling endlessly, tired of keeping my head down."

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Phil follows the dirt path, getting closer to cultivation or more into the forest. He's not sure but he keeps going. Maybe after an hour or two he runs into a village. They build their houses in the trees, made of wood, carved with details of history. Phil's eyes study every ounce of the place, picking a part every detail he can. People bustle this way and that from up above. Then there's a market for traveling folk like Phil. They shove what they are trying to sell in people's faces and shout over the other voices, their pitch. Hey all flinch and hide when they see Phil. They must think he's human. Phil just grins wildly, every moment better than anything he's seen before. Then a hand is placed on his chest. He whips his head forward to see the man who told him to run. Phil beams even brighter if at all possible and so does the man.

"Philza, my man! You made it out!" He wraps his arms around Phil, Phil does the same like he never has before. The man lifts him in the air, that's new to Phil. He takes it in stride by laughing like the man. "So, where shall you go?" He puts Phil down, both calming down from laughter. Now in the light he can see the man properly. He has light green skin with dark green hair, eyes, and freckles. Phil's favorite color. His clothes are close to gold but too thin to be so.

"Don't know, thought I might learn how to drive a ship and then sail across the universe." He swings his arms to the sky, the man looks in wonder as if he can see what Phil imagines too.

"Are you going to become a pirate?"

"Oh, no, no. I could never be so ruthless." His mind reminds him of his caretaker. He quickly shakes that thought away. He deserved what happened to him.

"You can be a good pirate. Stoppin' slave trades and saving people stuck in space!" He wraps his arm around Phil's shoulder and starts walking to a port of ships. Rows and rows of spaceships, some small, some bigger than the trees rooted on the planet.

"That's a thing?" Phil scrunches up his face but not in malice.

"It can be!" They both laugh again. "But really, I can show you the ropes."


"Really!" They stop in front of a large ship.

"This is your ship?" Phil's eyes widen. "How many people are on it?"

"Eh, good amount. But don't worry about them, you've healed a couple of them, so they'll like you." He pats Phil on the back. "I'm Sam by the way." Sam holds out his hand and Phil just stares at it. "This is how humans meet each other."

"We aren't even human." Sam is the one of the few Phil has told he wasn't human. He doesn't know why he told him, maybe he was just feeling too lonely to lie that day.

"Still, you might want to play the part of one."

"Why's that?"

"Cuz it would be cool." Phil rolls his eyes but he doesn't mind the thought of pretending to be human. He just wishes it were true. "And, others will take advantage of your powers like your caretaker. Playing human is a good cover up, " his tone shifts to a serious one. Phil nods somberly. "Now! Let's get you settled in." Sam places a hand on Phil's back guiding him into the ship.

That's how the next part of his life began. Everyone welcomed him and thanked him once more for healing them or for healing their buddy. All showed him the ropes of the ship and docking ships. Sam did it most of the time. Explaining in simple ways growing in more detail as Phil knew more. It didn't stop there, Sam taught him how to fix any problem. Pipe bursts, malfunctions, computer trouble, airlock troubles. You name it, he learned it. Sam also taught him about other ships, different models, and how they work. His knowledge grows. Not just about ships, but also about planets, friends, and people. Their job was to fix other ships that called for trouble. Along the way, Phil learned about different jobs that those people do. If they had time, Phil would ask about how to do their job, that would only further any skill he lacked. Most feared him for being "human" but then over the span of an hour or so they would loosen up from "Philza's dad energy". As Sam calls it.

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