Chapter 5

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"Now we'll never be apart, keep you in my heart."

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The yellow stone beats with power, the power to create something. But it's surrounded, there is no room to grow. Until something metal stabs the earth around it. Closer and closer it gets, giving air to breath, to move. As soon as the light touches the stone and nothing encloses it, a body, almost as quick as lighting that strikes the ground, forms. It's young and golden and he sleeps in the hole made. The man with the shovel gasps.

"I found one," the man breaths with excitement. "Get up." The stone heart's eyes blink open and with wobbly legs and arms, stands up. "What are your powers?" He smiles devilishly. The stone heart picks up a rock and turns it to gold, then he picks up a stick and it turns into bread, he touches a tree and it turns into a shack. The man laughs and laughs, he notes all the things he can do with this stone heart. "Can you do it to people?" The stone heart shakes his head no. "Oh well, your power is good enough." He shrugs his shoulders and starts to move on. "Follow along." There's a dark silence. "I heard stone hearts eventually grow into their own person so... Let's make sure that doesn't happen." The boy with a giant white ragged t-shirt, making him look even skinner, and blue shorts trails behind the man with the smiling porcelain mask.

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Inside and out is a world of ocean you can't see through to the other side. The gravitational pull made islands from the asteroids and now lands of all different shapes and sizes are miles above the water. On the islands are cities people have built, all tropical from the constant sun. But even with the sun the stone heart is still pale. In the shade of a great tree is a house, surrounded by many homes and shops, and in the furthest room is a stone heart in chains. He just sits, blinking at the wall. No thoughts, no hopes, no dreams, nothing of his own. He just makes what the mask man wants. He usually asks for money and food but sometimes it's weapons and supplies of some sort. Not that he knows what he's making exactly, the stone knows though, that's all that matters to the man.

Until one day someone or some people break through the boarded up window. This turns the stone heart's head and blink rapidly. It's like waking up too fast to understand what part of time you're in. A boy with a green bandana around his neck and horns peek out of his brown wild curly hair, and a very tall boy's skin and hair split down in the middle, one side black, one side white. They huff and reboard the window. When they turn around they give a high pitched scream until the tall one covers the noticeably short boy's mouth.

"Sorry, we thought this place was abandoned," the tall one says quietly. "We just need a place to hide from some jerks," he awkwardly chuckles. Then they suck in a sharp breath and the tall one's hand falls from the other's mouth. "You're a-"

"A human." The short one's eyes widen. "Were you kidnapped from Earth?" He steps closer, when the stone heart does nothing but blink at them with confusion written in his expression, he keeps approaching. He kneels down in front of the stone heart.

"Earth?" The stone heart's voice breaks.

"He must have been captured young." The taller one stands behind the short one. "It's probably why it isn't violent."

"Really," he glares at the tall man. "My name is Tubbo, this is Ranboo." Tubbo points with his thumb towards Ranboo over his shoulder. "What's yours?"

"What's a name?"

"It's what you call things and people," Ranboo explains.

"Oh... I don't have one."

"Oh, oh! Let me name you!" Tubbo raises his hand and then taps his chin with his pointer finger. "You look like a... Theseus!"

"At least give him a human name," Ranboo sighs.

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