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I turned the key and walked into my very own apartment, for a temporary basis but I don't mind at all. The view was that of another building but I didn't give a fuck, I had views!

I could see other taller and shorter buildings and if I stand in the corner of the living room and press my face against the glass, I could catch a glimpse of the lake.

The apartment was fully furnished with everything I needed as I didn't have much to bring over as Ms. McBride suggested I do. I opened the refrigerator and it was fully stocked with drinks, fruits and vegetables. It also had a selection of meats, cheeses and frozen foods in the bottom freezer.

On the counter was a gift card with $200 for Walmart with a note: "Please purchase any extra items you may need."

"Shit," I said out loud. I couldn't believe it. I had come up for real. Now all I need to do is stay there.

I walked into my bedroom and it was as large as my old apartment. I opened the walk-in closet and all of my clothes were hanging there. They hardly took up space in the closet. I could finally go on a shopping spree. I'll do that after my first check. I wanted to get started with my classes first and learn as much as I can.

I wanted to catch up to Shayla.

Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. I didn't know who knew I was here so I was curious to see who it was.

I peeped through the peephole, it was Shayla. Right on time.

"Shayla!" I screamed as I opened the door. She smiled so hard and grabbed me and we hugged and jumped around.

"Awww shit, look at you Poppie," she said as we let go of each other and walked inside the apartment to get out of the hallway.

"I know right! Look at this shit! Oh my goodness Shayla!"

"I told you," Shayla said as she walked around checking out the apartment.

"I mean, I don't know how to thank you," I said, almost breaking down in tears.

"Naw, Bitch, don't start," she said, raising her finger at me. "You gonna make me start," she said wiping under her eyes.

"It's just, nobody....ever...,"

"I know girl. You know I know,"

We sat down on the couch in the living room and sat in silence for a minute just taking all of it in.

"I remember when I was in the beginning stages. Shit, it wasn't too long ago," she said as she opened her purse and pulled out a package containing two blunts.

"That's what I'm talking about," I said, scooting over next to her and picking up an ashtray from the side table.

"Oh that's another thing, we have a hook up on the weed as well," she said as he lit the perfectly rolled blunt. The aroma filled the air with a scent I missed.

"For real?"

"Call Mr. Peabody, he'll hook you up," she said as she passed the blunt to me.

"Question," I said, inhaling the smoke and blowing out circles, it had been a while. "Wassup with Mr. Peabody?"

"What you mean?"

"You know, does he hook up with anyone?" I asked, curious if he was available.

"Well, the word is he caters to Ms. McBride, however he has been known to hook up with a few girls every now and then. I haven't tried though, that's just too close for comfort for me,"

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