Chapter 1 - I very clearly remember

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Chapter 1

The office door closed behind me and I walked over to the chair my manager was indicating. "Grab a seat Marley." Nodding as I sank into the closest one, frowning a little as I racked my brain for why I'd been called in, stiffly holding my shoulders still, I was confused. I always did my job well and efficiently and he didn't look angry so I couldn't imagine why I had just been called in for an impromptu meeting.

"We've just had a phone call, an assignment we'd like to put you on."

"Oh? Sounds interesting," I answered, relaxing a little in my seat. It didn't sound like I was in trouble.

"Yes, you have some hidden skills it seems and now they'll come in very useful."

"OK? What's this about Warren?"

"You can speak Korean? And we've been asked to send you along as a translator for a group that is arriving into the city in a few days. They are willing to pay a lot for you specifically."

My breath hitched before I cleared my throat because I knew, timing wise, what that meant. "Oh, well, I think I know who it might be then," I answered, heart thumping inside my chest at the thought of seeing them again, of seeing him again. As if I hadn't thought about him every day when I woke up and before I went to bed at night, googling to see what they were up to in the world outside my own little bubble.

"They have another translator with them who travels from Korea but there are times when they need to split into more than one group and although one of them speaks good English apparently, he will be busy working and they need someone else to take the load. Apparently you made an impression when they were here for the award ceremony and they want it to be you."

"Won't it interfere with my own work here," I asked, mind ticking over at all the things I had lined up to do in the next week, trying to push away the possibilities that could come with doing this, of breathing the same air as Jungkook again. Of maybe more.

"They are paying enough to more than compensate having someone take over your role in the meantime."

"How long is this assignment for," I asked, trying to sound mildly interested when inside I was fizzing with how out of the blue this was.

"They are in town for 3 weeks but haven't said if it's the whole time or not. I am going to assume it is."

I leaned back in my seat, crossed my leg and turned my head slightly in thought. Junkook had mentioned they would be coming back and I'd told him not to make any promises. It seems he hadn't forgotten me either. Pretending to think about it for a moment, my thoughts were locked on that night together, seeing it play out like a movie behind my eyes.

After a few moments, Warren grew impatient. "Well? I need to let them know today so we can get someone in to help with your job too."

"Starting in a few days you said?"

"Apparently the group arrives back in a few days so I need to find out all the details but I'm going to assume yes, you start Thursday."

Three days to think and plan. Three days to stress about whether it was a one time thing with no feelings attached and if it would be awkward. But if it was going to be awkward, they wouldn't have contacted me to be the translator, instead going with a proper agency. As to the one time thing part, time would tell and this was more than I thought might happen when I'd kissed him goodbye and walked away. I wasn't even sure he got the body scrub I'd left at the hotel for him.

"Sure, it would be good to hone more of my Korean language and I'm guessing, from a business point of view, a connection with them will be beneficial to the company," I finished, raising an eyebrow at him.

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