Chapter 6 - Back at it

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Chapter 6

I woke in his bed the next morning, sheets smelling like him, like us. There was a lingering scent that I recognised was the shower gel I'd used at some stage in the early hours of the morning before falling into an exhausted heap in his bed. I didn't bring my signature brown sugar scrub but he did and I was not so secretly pleased to see he had it with him. So I used that, our scents mingling and overlapping together and I wondered if anyone would notice his scent on me or my scent on him or if it was just so hyper obvious to me.

The bed was empty and I reached for my phone to find a text from him letting me know he was down in the hotel gym working out so I stretched before climbing out to make the most of the water pressure in the hotel shower before he returned. I knew if I waited and we crossed paths while he was still all sweaty from being in the gym, I would cave and then risk us being late for work. Too risky. So I showered again, more to wake myself up than to clean up and grimaced as I put the same clothes back on. He didn't know but I kept a bag in my car, loaded now with several types of outfits on the off chance I would need something last minute. Talking myself into thinking it was because I might spill something on my clothes and need to change or a last minute schedule was added that I needed different clothes for, deep down it was because I always had the hope I might be staying overnight.

It was early, probably waking as Jungkook was leaving the suite as he wasn't all that quiet but I took the stairs down to my car on the off chance I ran into some BTS staff in the elevator. I was definitely way too early for when I was scheduled to start and my reason for being there that early could be brought into question. So when I had grabbed my outfit for the day out from my bag in the car and headed back up towards Jungkook's suite, pulling the door to the stairwell, I jumped back as I almost banged straight into Namjoon as he and a staff member headed out the stairwell.

"Oh, hey," I said, jumping back and then bowing quickly to cover up my informal greeting. "Namjoon-ssi, heading out to exercise," I asked, noting his thick thighs in running shorts, choosing not to linger on his legs.

"Yes, going for a quick run Marley-ssi," he said, stopping for a moment, bending to tie a loose shoelace. "You're here early," he continued, looking up as his fingers moved on his laces before he stood to tower over me again.

"Yeah, the gym here is better than the gym near my apartment," I said, shrugging and trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. "Was hoping to sneak in for a quick work out before I started my day."

"Yeah good plan," he nodded, looking at security who was pacing like they were ready to go. But Namjoon stopped for a moment longer, looking at the clothes I was wearing and you could almost see the wheels in his head spinning, noticing they were what I was dressed in when I'd left, although he didn't say anything. Crossing my fingers that he just assumed I'd grabbed the closest clothes as I was heading to the gym and then I'd change into my clothes for the day but I knew he was smarter than that. He was putting two and two together and I needed to disappear before he reached four.

"Well, I'll leave you to it then, see you soon Namjoon-ssi," I said, heading through the door at the bottom of the stairs and scurrying to escape his gaze. Taking them two at a time, I used the keycard I'd taken from the counter, racing to close the door of Jungkook's room before anyone else saw me. One person seeing me was enough, and maybe already too many. Jungkook came out of the bedroom, towel drying his hair as he did, raising his eyebrow at the way I rested back against the closed door.

"Namjoon saw me," I puffed out,

"And," he answered, unsure why that was in need of a frantic looking face.

"And I was wearing exactly what I had on when I was working with him yesterday." My hands came down to motion at my outfit, highlighting it's slightly rumpled state and clicked.

Scents - BTS short story book 2 (Complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang