Chaper 2 - Well that was a start

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Chapter 2 – Well that was a start

Split into several cars, the members and staff travelled to a group photo-shoot. Jungkook barely glanced my way as we got into different cars but I caught a look between him and Jimin, an eye roll from Jungkook's part and a smirk from Jimin before they disappeared from my sight.

"Stick close to me Marley-ssi," Nicole said as she indicated for me to follow her. "It can be a little overwhelming to start with but everyone is very friendly."

"Oh thank you," I said, grateful to have someone watching out for me. It was definitely out of my comfort zone although the buzz of noise and people was not that different from busy award days and I handled those. The difference was I had a very defined job on those days and here and now, I had no real idea of what my job was going to be. And of course, there was Jungkook. He changed the way I felt about the job I was doing, feeling more self conscious than I normally would because, frankly, he was ridiculously attractive and it gave me all kinds of feelings.

Pulling up to a building that looked like it could double as the murder scene in a horror movie, we piled out, staff carrying things and beginning to set up stations to touch up makeup while other staff took the members aside to talk through what the theme of the shoot would be and give them clothes to change into inside hastily set up areas screened off through the doors of the derelict looking building. Nicole was lead over to where there were some men who looked like they were the caretakers of the building, a little rough around the edges and big eyed at all the action going on around them.

"Good afternoon, is there anything we need to know about the building, places that we shouldn't go," she asked.

"Yeah love, stay away from the 3rd floor, there are quite a few rooms that have holes in them. We wouldn't want a lovely thing like you to fall through one now, would we?"

The man was eyeing her up as he answered and I wasn't loving the look on either of the men's faces or the obvious discomfort they were causing Nicole.

"Thank you, unless there is something else we need to know, we won't be needing you for anything else. I'm sure you've been told you can't take any pictures so it's probably best you wait outside now or better yet, come back in, what, three to four hours," I asked Nicole and she nodded along, turning away from them to look at me. Raising an eyebrow slightly, I saw the infinitesimal quirk as the corner of her lip twitched towards a smile. "Gentleman, thank you," I said and taking her arm, I walked us both away.

"What a complete ass," I said when we were far enough away for them not to hear. I would've said it to his face but considering it was my first day on the job, I'd probably already overstretched.

"And you Marley-ssi, are fabulous," she replied and we both cracked up laughing, walking back over to all the action.

At that point, Hobi and Jin had appeared, decked out in a grunge look that was very fitting for the surrounding. The photographer was speaking to them and giving guidance about what he wanted them to do and that is where Nicole was needed, translating when his English failed to convey what he wanted the two of them to do. Before long, they were snapping away and I watched, 10 plus other staff also watching or zipping away to help another member, filming something in another corner of the room. It was constant motion and noise and I was blinking as I took it all in.

"What normally happens at photo shoots is they work in units and then they do some individual and full group shots. They'll also change out for another outfit. I think the plan today is two very different looks in this place. There will be several more photoshoots over the next few weeks elsewhere as they are shooting for an album, some promo work and for a DVD package." Nicole was explaining it all to me and I was grateful as I'd never really liked getting my own photo taken so watching them get theirs taken was fascinating, my eyes glued to the front. You could tell they had been doing this for years, turning and changing their poses, each member showing something different to the camera. Once Jin and Hobi had finished, they called for Taehyung and Jimin and I watched them in action too. Tae didn't take a single photo that wasn't good and Jimin looked so innocent in some, like he was a teenager and then he ran his hands through his hair and turned into someone completely different. Definitely fascinating.

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