Chapter 3 - Do you want a repeat?

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Chapter 3 – Do you want a repeat?

A slew of interviews greeted me the next morning when I got to work. I'd slept quite well considering my mind was all over the place, Jungkook being front and centre. After we'd left the photo-shoot and headed back to their hotel, I'd been told I was free to go home and having found no reason to stay longer, I'd bid them all goodbye and headed away. Alone. Jungkook had a meeting booked with the other members that was member only and I understood that. But I had seen his eyes lingering on me as I'd said the same casual goodbye to him as I had to the others and the way his tongue had popped into his cheek briefly when his eyes hit mine, not missing the look in them before he glanced away. It made my mind tick over with thoughts of what he might be thinking about and really hoping it was about me.

So here I was now, watching what interviews conducted in another country and language looked like. And it was both interesting and irritating as I listened to some of the questions. I knew the questions were generally talked about beforehand but I wondered how many times they'd heard some of them as they weren't very original. Nicole was in their ear, courtesy of earpieces so she could interpret in real time and even that part was fascinating for me.

"And so, you're in town to film some music videos?" This interviewer was number four of interviews conducted at the hotel; young, pretty and definitely had her flirt on. Namjoon was the one mainly answering in English for them all while the others interjected from time to time.

"We are and some other projects that we will be revealing in the next few months." A polite way of saying, mind your business. This one had been trying to pry information out of them for the last 5 minutes but thankfully it was wrapping up soon for the next person to arrive. It was a well oiled machine of reviewing the questions in another room with staff, then the interviewer entering in to meet the guys and conduct their interview while the next one ran through the questions with staff in another room. It was busy, sometimes loud, always chaotic until the cameras were rolling and, since most of them had been young females doing the interviewing, a little annoying for me.

"No spoilers for what we can look forward to?"

I caught a small gesture from Yoongi, a change of position where he crossed his legs and maybe sighed. He was over it all already.

"I have been known to spoil things from time to time," Namjoon answered with a laugh, "but when the time is right, we'll let ARMY know first."

"Well, our time is up but we'd like to thank BTS for chatting with us today. They're handsome, talented and did I say handsome," she said again with a giggle and I rolled my eyes, wanting to gag but knowing that would likely be a little too obvious. "I've been Bethany-Jane and this was Up and Coming."

As the cameras cut, Bethany uncrossed her legs and stood up, drawing attention to herself by smoothing her skirt down her legs. Mission accomplished as most of their eyes were watching her in preparation for saying goodbye, eyes sliding politely away when they lingered too long. They had been trained well in their idol role to not be caught doing anything that might be considered inappropriate.

"Thank you guys, that was great. I'd love to interview you again when you're next over here." She giggled again and I found the sound grated on my nerves.

"Our management knows how to reach you," Namjoon answered, reaching to shake her hand as they all bowed in her direction and a staff member guided her swiftly away. She looked a little bewildered at the departure, maybe thinking she could linger to chat but they had two more interviews to get through and extra conversation wasn't part of that plan.

A collective breath was let out once she was gone and a couple of the members laughed lightly.

"Foreign women are so," J-hope started and Jin cut in.

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